從 [从] cóng
preposition | adverb
: to follow
: from
: passing through; past
: to comply with; to obey
: to join; to engage in
從 [从] cōng
: lax; yielding; unhurried
從 [从] zòng
: second cousin
從う OR 従う | したがう shitagau
Godan verb with u ending | intransitive verb
: to abide (by the rules); to obey; to follow; to accompany
従って | したがって shitagatte
: therefore; consequently; accordingly
従える | したがえる shitagaeru
Ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to be accompanied by
: to subdue
従 | じゅ ju
: lesser (of equal court ranks); lower; junior
従 | じゅう juu
Noun | No-adjective
: subordinate; secondary; junior; incidental