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行: to go | profession

By March 31, 2014January 28th, 2021Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Music

行 xíng

adjective | idiomatic expression | radical 144
: to go; to walk
: to do; to perform; capable; competent; effective
: all right; OK!

行 háng

measure word | radical
: a row; series
: profession; business firm

Kun Reading

行き | いき iki OR ゆき yuki

: bound for …
: (Noun) going (to)

行く | いく iku OR ゆく yuku

Godan verb – iku/yuku special class | intransitive verb
: to go
: to proceed; to take place
: (Auxiliary verb) to continue

行なう | おこなう okonau

Godan verb with u ending | transitive verb
: to perform; to do; to conduct oneself; to carry out

On Reading

行 | こう kou

: going; traveling
: type of classical Chinese verse (usu. an epic)
: (Archaism) district (of similar merchants); guild; () bank

行 | ぎょう gyou

: line (i.e. of text); row; verse
: (Buddhist term) carya (austerities)
: (Buddhist term) samskara (formations)
: (Abbreviation) running script (a semi-cursive style of kanji)

あん an


行動[动] xing2dong4: operation; action; to move; mobile
[こうどう koudou: action; conduct; behavior; mobilization]
行李 xing2li: luggage
[こうり kouri: portmanteau; luggage]
行為[为] xing2wei2: action; conduct; behavior; activity
[こうい koui: act; deed; conduct]
行房 xing2fang2: euphemism for sexual intercourse; to go to bed with sb
行政 xing2zheng4: administrative; executive (adjective)
[ぎょうせい gyousei: administration]
行人 xing2ren2: pedestrian; traveler on foot; passer-by; official responsible for arranging audiences with the emperor [ぎょうじ gyouji: event; function]
行星 xing2xing1: planet
不行 bu4xing2: won’t do; be out of the question; be no good; not work; not be capable
進[进]行 jin4xing2: to advance; to conduct; underway; in progress; to do; to carry out; to carry on; to execute
[しんこう shinkou: advance; progress]
旅行 lü3xing2: trip; vacation [りょこう ryoukou: travel; trip]
舉[举]行 ju3xing2: to hold (a meeting, ceremony etc)
執[执]行 zhi2xing2: to implement; to carry out; to execute; to run
[しっこう shikkou: execution; performance; service]
實[实]行 shi2xing2: to implement; to carry out; to put into practice
流行 liu2xing2: to spread; to rage (of contagious disease); popular; fashionable; prevalent; (math.) manifold
[りゅうこう ryuukou OR はやり hayari: fashion; fad; vogue; craze; prevalence (e.g. of a disease)]

流行音樂[乐] liu2 xing2 yin1 yue4: pop music
[流行歌 | りゅうこうか ryuukouka OR はやりうた hayariuta: popular song] 流行病 liu2 xing2 bing4: epidemic
[りゅうこうびょう ryuukoubyou OR はやりやまい hayariyamai] 流行語[语] liu2 xing2 yu3: popular jargon; catchword
[りゅうこうご ryuukougo: buzzword; vogue word; popular phrase/word in fashion]

醜[丑]行 chou3xing2: scandal
[しゅうこう shuukou: disgraceful (scandalous) conduct; shameful behavior]
自行車[车] zi4 xing2 che1: bicycle [自転車 | じてんしゃ jitensha]
行列 hang2lie4: ranks; procession
[ぎょうれつ gyouretsu: line; procession; matrix (maths)]
行業[业] hang2ye4: industry; business
行號[号] hang2hao4: (registered) company
行商 hang2shang1: traveling salesman; itinerant trader; hawker; peddler
[ぎょうしょう gyoushou: monger; peddler]
行家 hang2jia1: connoisseur; expert; veteran
銀[银]行 yin2hang2: bank [ぎんこう ginkou]
內[内]行 nei4hang2: expert; adept; experienced; an expert; a professional
外行 wai4hang2: layman; amateur
同行 tong2hang2: person of the same profession; of the same trade, occupation or industry
[どうこう doukou: accompanying; traveling together]
央行 yang1hang2: central bank; abbr for various central banks
排行榜 pai2 hang2 bang3: the charts (of best-sellers); table of ranking

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語
行ける | いける ikeru
: (colloquialism) to be good (at); to go well
: to look (taste, etc.) good

行けない | いけない ikenai OR 行けません | いけません ikemasen
: wrong; not good; of no use
: hopeless; past hope
: must not do

旨く行かない OR 上手く行かない | うまくいかない umaku ikanai: unsuccessful; going badly

行って来る | いってくる ittekuru
: I’m off; see you later
: to go (and then come back): to come and go

行ってらっしゃい | いってらっしゃい itterasshai
: have a good day; take care; see you

行って来ます | いってきます ittekimasu
: I’m off; see you later

行会う | ゆきあう yukiau OR いきあう ikiau
: to meet somebody by chance; to happen upon

行く先先 | ゆくさきざき yukusakizaki OR いくさきざき ikusakizaki
: everywhere; everywhere one goes; wherever one goes

行く様に勧める | いくようにすすめる ikuyou ni susumeru
to encourage someone to go

見に行く | みにいく miniiku: to go to see (something, someone); to visit

あっち行け | あっちいけ acchi ike
: get away from me!

百鬼夜行 | ひゃっきやこう hyakki yakou OR ひゃっきやぎょう hyakki yagyou
: many monsters, spirits, etc. forming a line and walking through the night
: veritable pandemonium; large number of people plotting and doing evil; creepy characters roaming about presenting a most scandalous sight

*行間を読む | ぎょうかんをよむ gyouka no yomu
: to read between the lines

満足が行く | まんぞくがいく manzoku gaiku
: to be satisfied

そうは行かない | そうはいかない sou wa ikanai
: not a chance; you wish!; that’s not going to happen; that won’t work

人生行路難し | じんせいこうろかたし jinsei kouro katashi: Life is not easy

二進も三進も行かない | にっちもさっちもいかない nicchi mo sacchi mo ikanai
: being driven into a corner; having no way out; being caught between a rock and a hard place

悪事千里を行く | あくじせんりをいく akuji senri o iku
: bad news travels fast

Chinese chengyu 成語 | idiom | proverb
行不從徑[从径] xing2 bu4 cong2 jing4
: lit. not following the straight path: fig. looking for a shortcut to get ahead in work or study

行不由徑[径] xing2 bu4 you2 jing4
: lit. never taking a short-cut: fig. upright and honest

行雲[云]流水 xing2 yun2 liu2 shui3
: lit. moving clouds and flowing water: fig. natural and unforced
[こううんりゅうすい kouun ryuusui: (metaphorically) floating with the tide]

一言一行 yi1 yan2 yi1 xing2: every word and action
[いちげんいっこう ichi gen ikkou: just a word or an act]

各行各業[业] ge4 hang2 ge4 ye4
: every trade; all professions; all walks of life

*字裡行間 [字里行间] zi4 li3 hang2 jian1
: between the words and the lines: implied meaning; connotations: reading between the lines

禍不單行 [祸不单行] huo4 bu4 dan1 xing2
: misfortune does not come singly: when it rains, it pours

蝸[蜗]行牛步 wo1 xing2 niu2 bu4
: lit. to crawl like a snail and plod along like an old ox: fig. to move at a snail’s pace; to make slow progress

身體[体]力行 shen1 ti3 li4 xing2: to practice what one preaches

行行出狀[状]元 hang2 hang2 chu1 zhuang4 yuan2
: lit. in every trade, a master appears: fig. You can produce outstanding achievements in any task, provided you put it enough love and diligence

三思而後[后]行 san1 si1 er2 hou4 xing2
: think again and again before acting: consider carefully in advance

三人行,必有我師[师] san1 ren2 xing2 , bi4 you3 wo3 shi1
lit. if three walk together, one can be my teacher (idiom, from the Analects of Confucius); you have something to learn from everyone

千里之行,始於[于]足下 qian1 li3 zhi1 xing2 , shi3 yu2 zu2 xia4
: lit. a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step: fig. big accomplishments come from an accumulation of little achievements made one by one

hao4 xue2 jin4 hu5 zhi1 , li4 xing2 jin4 hu5 ren2 , zhi1 chi3 jin4 hu5 yong3
: to love learning is akin to knowledge, to study diligently is akin to benevolence, to know shame is akin to courage (Confucius)

師父領進門,修行在個人 [师父领进门,修行在个人] shi1 fu5 ling3 jin4 men2 , xiu1 xing2 zai4 ge4 ren2
: the master (teacher) leads you to the door, the rest is up to you; you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink

內行看門道,外行看熱鬧 [内行看门道,外行看热闹] nei4 hang2 kan4 men2 dao5 , wai4 hang2 kan4 re4 nao5
: the connoisseur sees the artistry, the layman simply enjoys the show

兵馬未動,糧草先行 [兵马未动,粮草先行] bing1 ma3 wei4 dong4 , liang2 cao3 xian1 xing2
: before the troops move, fodder and provisions go first: logistics comes before military maneuvers; an army marches on its stomach

男怕入錯[错]行,女怕嫁錯[错]郎 nan2 pa4 ru4 cuo4 hang2 , nü3 pa4 jia4 cuo4 lang2
: men fear getting into the wrong line of business, women fear marrying the wrong man (proverb)

行不更名,坐不改姓 xing2 bu4 geng1 ming2 , zuo4 bu4 gai3 xing4
: I am who I am (and I’m not ashamed): fig. to be proud of one’s name and stand by one’s actions (alternately can be seen as obstinate)

行萬里路勝讀萬捲書 [行万里路胜读万卷书] xing2 wan4 li3 lu4 sheng4 du2 wan4 juan3 shu1
to travel a thousand miles beats reading a thousand books


象形 Pictographic.
Picture of a street intersection.

left half of 行 “go” is 彳 chi4: step radical.
Originally the right half was identical and the character was easily explained: 彳 “step” + 彳 “step” = “to go”

“Go” Radical 144

限量发行 – Wilber Pan 潘玮柏


我是限量发行 没有代替品
自信的保固期 没截止日期
你是限量发行 别怀疑

这是限量发行 贴上非卖品
揭幕后的惊喜 是未来的序曲
我是限量发行 别犹豫
不肯妥协 因为态度决定了命运

摆脱了传统 前卫的设计
让流行追随 变头版的话题
我是我 你是你 谁都不能抄袭
生命决定基因 是先天的胎记
努力重组宿命 是后天的印记
信仰是 一种坚定 一种动力 和自己约定

我是限量发行 没有代替品
自信的保固期 没截止日期
你是限量发行 别怀疑

这是限量发行 贴上非卖品
揭幕后的惊喜 是未来的序曲
我是限量发行 别犹豫
不肯妥协 因为态度决定了命运

我不是谁的影子 我是我自己
人群中搜寻 我就是焦距

生命决定基因 是先天的胎记
努力重组宿命 是后天的印记
You wanna rock rock baby
You be rockin with me
You know I’m gonna be the one u need

我是限量发行 没有代替品
自信的保固期 没截止日期
你是限量发行 别怀疑

这是限量发行 贴上非卖品
揭幕后的惊喜 是未来的序曲
我是限量发行 别犹豫
不肯妥协 因为态度决定了命运

没错我们独一无二 限量发行如何
跟着我这么做 I’ll make ya oh oh oh
不跟着寻常的路走 是谁说过平凡没用
跟着我这么做你才能 Oh oh oh
礼毕 世界上你就是唯一
没错 就是限量发行

我是限量发行 没有代替品
自信的保固期 没截止日期
你是限量发行 别怀疑

这是限量发行 贴上非卖品
揭幕后的惊喜 是未来的序曲
我是限量发行 别犹豫
不肯妥协 因为态度决定了命运

我是限量发行 没有代替品
自信的保固期 没截止日期
你是限量发行 别怀疑

这是限量发行 贴上非卖品
揭幕后的惊喜 是未来的序曲
我是限量发行 别犹豫
不肯妥协 因为态度决定了命运

credit: Wilber Pan 潘玮柏

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary