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noun suffix

選: to choose; to elect

By Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning

選 [选] xuǎn

: to choose; to pick; to select; to elect

Kun Reading

選る | よる yoru OR える eru OR すぐる tsuguru

godan verb with ru ending | transitive verb
: to choose; to select

選ぶ | えらぶ erabu

godan verb with bu ending | transitive verb
: to choose; to select

選り | より yori

: selecting; choosing

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選 | せん sen

noun | noun suffix
: selection; choice; choosing; picking; election

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並: side by side | to combine | also

By Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning

並 [并] bìng

conjunction | adverb
: and; furthermore; also; moreover
: together with; side by side; (not) at all; simultaneously; both
: to combine; to join; to merge

併 [并] bìng

: to combine; to amalgamate

竝 [并] bìng

: to combine, annex
: also, what’s more

Kun Reading

並 | なみ nami

noun | noun suffix
: average; medium; common; ordinary
: line; row of (e.g. houses)
: mid-grade
: same level; equal; each (e.g. month); set of (e.g. teeth)

並び | ならび narabi

: line; row; rank; list

並ぶ | ならぶ narabu

godan verb with bu ending | intransitive verb/span>
: to line up; to stand in a line
: to rival; to match; to equal

並べる | ならべる naraberu

ichidan verb | transitive verb/span>
: to line up; to set up;
: to enumerate; to itemize

並て | なべて nabete

: in general; generally; usually

並めて | なめて namete

: all

並びに | ならびに narabini

: and (also); both … and; as well as

併せる | あわせる awaseru

ichidan verb | transitive verb/span>
: to match (rhythm, speed, etc.)
: to join together; to unite; to combine; to add up
: to face; to be opposite (someone)
: to compare; to check with
: to cause to meet (e.g. an unpleasant fate)
: to place together; to connect; to overlap
: to mix; to combine
: to put blade to blade; to fight

併さる | あわさる awasaru

godan verb with ru ending | intransitive verb/span>
: to get together; to unite

併し OR 然し | しかし shikashi

: however; but

併も | しかも shikamo

: moreover; furthermore; nevertheless; and yet

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ヘイ hei
ホウ hou

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越: to exceed; to pass over

By Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Music

越 yuè

: to exceed; to climb over; to surpass
: the more… the more
: generic word for peoples or states of south China or south Asia at different historical periods
: abbr. for Vietnam 越南

Kun Reading

越す | こす kosu

godan verb with su ending
: to cross over (e.g. mountain); to go across
: to go over (e.g. with audience)
: to pass time (e.g. a winter)
: to surpass; to be better than; to exceed
: to move house
: (Honorific or respectful language) to go; to come

越し | ごし goshi

noun suffix/span>
: across; over; beyond

越える | こえる koeru

ichidan verb | intransitive verb
: to cross over; to cross; to pass through; to pass over (out of)
: to exceed

越す | こす kosu

godan verb with su ending
: to cross over (e.g. mountain); to go across

越す | こす kosu

godan verb with su ending
: to cross over (e.g. mountain); to go across

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エツ etsu
オツ otsu

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像: to resemble

By Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Music


像 xiàng

: to resemble; to be like; to look as if
: such as
: appearance; image; portrait
: image under a mapping (math.)

Kun Reading

象る | かたどる katadoru

godan verb with ru ending | intransitive verb
: to model on; to make in the shape of; to represent; to pattern after; to imitate
: to symbolize

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像 | ぞう zou

noun | noun suffix
: statue; image; figure; picture; portrait

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腫: to swell; swelling; swollen

By Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning


腫 [肿] zhǒng

adjective | verb
: to swell; swelling; swollen

Kun Reading

腫れ | はれ hare

: swelling

腫れる | はれる hareru

ichidan verb | intransitive verb
: to swell (from inflammation); to become swollen

腫らす | はらす harasu

godan verb with su ending | transitive verb
: to cause to swell; to inflame

腫物 | しゅもつ haremono
: tumor; swelling

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腫 | しゅ shu

noun suffix
: tumor

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講: to speak

By Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Music


講 [讲] jiǎng

: to speak; to explain; to negotiate; to emphasize
: to be particular about; conscientious about
: as far as something is concerned
: speech; lecture

Kun Reading

講ずる OR 講じる | こうずる kouzuru OR こうじる koujiru

zuru verb | ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to take measures; to work out a plan
: to lecture; to read aloud
: to confer

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講 | こう kou

noun | noun suffix
: (Buddhist) lecture meeting
: religious association
: mutual assistance association (i.e. for financial assistance)

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商: commerce; merchant; quotient

By Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning


商 shāng

: commerce, business, trade
: merchant; dealer
: to consult
: quotient
: 2nd note in pentatonic scale
: the Shang dynasty, 16th to 11th century BC

Kun Reading

商い | あきない akinai

: trade; business; trading; dealing

商う | あきなう akinau

godan verb with u ending | transitive verb
: to trade in (commercial goods); to deal in; to sell

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商 | しょう shou

noun | noun suffix
: (Mathematical term) quotient
: dealing; dealer; store
: second degree (of the Japanese & Chinese pentatonic scale)
: Shang (dynasty of China)

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除: to eliminate; except; divide

By Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning


除 chú

adjective | verb | preposition
: to get rid of; to remove; to exclude; to eliminate; to wipe out
: to divide
: except; not including

Kun Reading

除け | よけ yoke

noun | noun suffix
: protection; repellent

除く | のぞく nozoku

godan verb with ku ending | transitive verb
: to remove; to exclude; to except

除ける | のける nokeru

ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to remove; to take away; to dislodge; to put something out of the way

除ける | よける yokeru

ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to avoid (physical contact with)
: (Ichidan verb) to ward off; to avert

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ジョ jo
ジ ji

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餘: surplus; excess

By Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Music


餘 [余] yú

: variant of 餘
: remainder; extra; surplus; remaining; remainder after division
: (following numerical value) or more; in excess of (some number)
: residue (math.)
: after
: I; me

余 yú

: I; me
: variant of 餘, surplus

Kun Reading

餘り OR 余り | あまり amari

na-adjective | adverb | no-adjective | noun | noun suffix
: (Usually written using kana alone) remainder; rest; balance; remains; scraps; residue; remnant
: (Adverb) not very (with negative sentence); not much
: surplus; excess; fullness; too much
: (Adverb) overjoyed; overwhelmed
: (Noun suffix) more than; over

余る | あまる amaru

godan verb with ru ending | intransitive verb
: to remain; to be left over; to be in excess; to be too many

余す | あます amasu

godan verb with su ending | transitive verb
: to save; to leave over; to spare

On Reading

余 | よ yo

noun | noun suffix
: over; more than
: (Archaism) formal or oratory first person pronoun; I

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