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痂 jiā

: scab

Kun Reading

痂 OR 瘡蓋 | かさぶた kasabuta

: crust; scab

On Reading

カ ka


痂皮 jia1pi2: scab [痂皮 | かひ kahi: crust; scab]
痂皮脫落 [痂皮脱落] jia1pi2 tuo1luo4: decrustation
痘痂 dou4jia1: pockmark; smallpox scab
瘡[疮]痂 chuang1jia1: scab
結[结]痂 jie2jia1: scab; to form a scab
黃癬痂 [黄癣痂] huang2xuan3 jia1: scutulum

Chinese common word | chengyu 成語 | expression | idiom
嗜痂成癖 shi4 jia1 cheng2 pi3
: to have strange and dangerous addictions

形声 Pictophonetic.
( ni4: sickness; sick radical 104) suggests the meaning whil
(jia1: to add) provides the sound.

none applicable

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary