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危 wēi

: danger; to endanger
: be lofty; high

Kun Reading

危ない | あぶない abunai OR 危うい | あやうい ayaui

: dangerous; risky; hazardous; perilous; precarious
: in danger; in jeopardy; critical; grave; at risk
: uncertain; unreliable; insecure; unsteady; doubtful
: close (i.e. a close call); narrow
: (Interjection – あぶない abunai) look out!; watch out!

危うく | あやうく ayauku

: barely; narrowly
: almost; nearly

危なく | あぶなく abunaku

: nearly; almost; on the point of (doing)

危ぶむ | あやぶむ ayabumu

godan verb with mu ending
: to fear; to have misgivings; to be doubtful; to mistrust

危める | あやめる ayameru

ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to wound; to murder

危ながる | あぶながる abunagaru

godan verb with ru ending | intransitive verb
: to be afraid of; to feel uneasy about; to shrink from

On Reading

危 | き ki

: danger
: Chinese “rooftop” constellation (one of the 28 mansions)


危險[险] wei1xian3: danger; dangerous
[危険 | きけん kiken: danger; peril; hazard
: dangerous, hazardous]
危機[机] wei1ji1: crisis
[危機 | きき kiki: crisis]

金融危機 [金融危机] jin1 rong2 wei1 ji1: financial crisis
[金融危機 | きんゆうきき kinyuu kiki: financial crisis]

危害 wei1hai4: to jeopardize; to harm; to endanger; harmful effect; damage
[きがい kigai | injury; harm; danger]
危急 wei1ji2: critical; desperate (situation)
[ききゅう kikyuu: emergency;
: endangerment (of a species)]
危及 wei1ji2: to endanger; to jeopardize; a danger (to life, national security etc)
瀕[濒]危 bin1wei1: endangered (species); in imminent danger; critically ill
傾[倾]危 qing1wei1: in danger of collapse; in a parlous state; (of person) treacherous
命危 ming4wei1: critical; life threatening (medicine)
垂危 chui2wei1: close to death; life-threatening (illness)
安危 an1wei1: safety and danger; safety [あんき anki: fate; safety; welfare]

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom | proverb
危機一髪 | ききいっぱつ kiki ippatsu
: (yoji) by a hair’s breath; in the nick of time; touch and go; close call; critical moment

危急存亡 | ききゅうそんぼう kikyuu sonbou
: (yoji) life-and-death matter; an emergency or crisis where survival is threatened

危険極まる | きけんきわまる kiken kiwamaru
: extremely dangerous

危険を冒す | きけんをおかす kiken o okasu
: to brave (defy) a danger

危機を脱する | ききをだっする kiki o tassuru
: to escape danger

危害を加える | きがいをくわえる kigai o kuwaeru
: to harm; to cause harm to

*累卵の危うき | るいらんのあやうき ruiran no ayauki
: imminent danger; threatened ruin

危ない橋を渡る | あぶないはしをわたる abunai hashi o wataru
: to tread on thin ice (lit: to cross a dangerous bridge); to go out on a limb; to walk a tightrope; to take risks

君子危うきに近寄らず | くんしあやうきにちかよらず kunshi ayauki ni chikayorazu
: A wise man keeps away from danger

敵を知り己を知れば百戦危うからず | てきをしりおのをしればひゃくせんあやうからず
teki o shiriono o shireba hyakusen ayau karazu
: (proverb) know your enemy, know thyself, and you shall not fear a hundred battles

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
危如朝露 wei1 ru2 zhao1 lu4
: precarious as the morning dew; fig. ephemeral and precarious nature of human existence

*危如累卵 wei1 ru2 lei3 luan3
: precarious as pile of eggs; ready to fall and break at any moment; in a dangerous state
*事危累卵 shi4 wei1 lei3 luan3
: lit. the matter has become a pile of eggs; fig. at a critical juncture

危在旦夕 wei1 zai4 dan4 xi1
: in imminent peril; on the brink of crisis

危機四伏 [危机四伏] wei1 ji1 si4 fu2
: danger lurks on every side

危言危行 wei1 yan2 wei1 xing2
: upright and plainspoken

居安思危 ju1 an1 si1 wei1
: to think of danger in times of safety; to be vigilant in peacetime

岌岌可危 ji2 ji2 ke3 wei1
: imminent danger; approaching a crisis

力盡神危 [力尽神危] li4 jin4 shen2 wei1
: totally exhausted as result of overexertion

嚴重危害 [严重危害] yan2 zhong4 wei1 hai4
: severe harm; critical danger

倒懸之危 [倒悬之危] dao4 xuan2 zhi1 wei1
: lit. the crisis of being hanged upside down; fig. extremely critical situation; dire straits

正襟危坐 zheng4 jin1 wei1 zuo4
: to sit upright and still

濟危扶困 [济危扶困] ji4 wei1 fu2 kun4
: to help people in difficulty and bring relief to the needy

濟困扶危 [济困扶危] ji4 kun4 fu2 wei1
扶危濟困 [扶危济困] fu2 wei1 ji4 kun4
: to help those in distress

擺脫危機 [摆脱危机] bai3 tuo1 wei1 ji1
: to break out of a crisis

轉危為安 [转危为安] zhuan3 wei1 wei2 an1
: to turn peril into safety; to avert a danger (esp. political or medical)

脫離危險 [脱离危险] tuo1 li2 wei1 xian3
: out of danger; to avoid danger

趁人之危 chen4 ren2 zhi1 wei1
: to take advantage of sb’s difficulties

道高益安,勢高益危 [道高益安,势高益危] dao4 gao1 yi4 an1 , shi4 gao1 yi4 wei1
: moral strength increases one’s safety, more power and influence increases one’s danger (from Records of the Historian 史記|史记). Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it (William Pitt the Elder, 1770).

危 wei1: dangerous, precarious; high =
厃 wei1 : to look upward +
xian1: (same as U+7B44 筄) last name; (jie2) seal radical 26


かのじょはもうききをのがれた kanojou wa mou kiki o nogareta
She was now out of danger

zhe4li hao3 wei1xian3
It’s dangerous here!

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary