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崗: post

By December 9, 2016January 16th, 2017Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning


崗[岗] gǎng

: mound
: policeman’s beat

Kun Reading

崗 | おかざき okazaki

family name
: Okazaki

崗 | おか oka

On Reading

コウ kou


崗[岗]位 gang3wei4: a post; a job
崗[岗]哨 gang3shao4: lookout post; sentry
崗[岗]巴 gang3ba1: Gamba county, Tibetan: Gam pa rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet
崗樓 [岗楼] gang3lou4: watchtower; observation tower; police booth
崗[岗]亭 gang3ting2: sentry box
站崗[岗] zhan4’gang3: to stand guard; to serve on sentry duty
下崗[岗] xia4gang3: to come off sentry duty; to lay off (a worker); laid-off
上崗[岗] shang4gang3: to take up one’s post; to be given a job
串崗[岗] chuan4’gang3: to leave one’s post during working hours
花崗岩 [花岗岩] hua1 gang1 yan2: granite
[花崗岩 | かこうがん kakougan: granite]

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
明崗暗哨 [明岗暗哨] ming2 gang3 an4 shao4
: both covert and undercover (officers) keeping watch

愛崗敬業 [爱岗敬业] ai4 gang3 jing4 ye4
: industrious and hard-working; conscientious and meticulous

形声 Pictophonetic.
山 (shan1: mountain radical 46) suggests the meaning while
(gang1: ridge; mound) provides the sound.

簡體 Simplified.
岗. Derived from generic character simplification rule #34 (岡 » 冈).

Semantic / Historical variant:
gang1: ridge; mound
[kun: おか oka. on: コウ kou]

none applicable

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary