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論: to discuss | the Analects

By October 26, 2016January 16th, 2017Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Music


論 [论] lùn

verb | preposition
: opinion; view
: theory; doctrine; discourse
: to discuss; to talk about; to regard; to consider
: per; by the (kilometer, hour etc)

論 [论] lún

: abbr. for 論語 [论语], The Analects (of Confucius)

Kun Reading

論う | あげつらう agetsurau

godan verb with u ending | transitive verb
: (Usually written using kana alone) to discuss
: to find fault with; to criticize

論じる OR 論ずる | ろんじる ronjiru OR ろんずる ronzuru

ichidan verb | transitive verb | zuru verb
: to argue; to discuss; to debate

On Reading

論 | ろん ron

: argument; discussion; dispute; controversy; discourse; debate
: theory; doctrine
: essay; treatise; comment


論[论]文 lun4wen2: paper; treatise; thesis; to discuss a paper or thesis (old)
[論文 | ろんぶん ronbun: thesis; essay; treatise; paper; article]

論文答辯 [论文答辩] lun4wen2 da2ban4: oral defense

論點 [论点] lun4dian3: argument; line of reasoning; thesis; point (of discussion)
[論点 | ろんてん ronten: point in question (at issue)]
論壇 [论坛] lun4tan2: forum (for discussion)
[論壇 | ろんだん rondan: rostrum; the world of criticism]
論[论]述 lun4shu4: treatise; discourse; exposition
[論述 | ろんじゅつ ronjutsu: statement (of a carefully reasoned logical argument); dissertation; enunciation; setting forth]
論證 [论证] lun4zheng4: to prove a point; to expound on; to demonstrate or prove (through argument); proof

論證會 [论证会] lun2zheng4 hui4: discussion meeting

討論 [讨论] tao3lun4: to discuss; to talk over
[討論 | とうろん touron: debate; discussion]
理論[论] li3lun4: theory; to argue; to take notice of
[理論 | りろん riron: theory]

經濟理論 [经济理论] jing1ji4 li3lun4: economic theory
數學理論 [数学理论] shu4xue2 li3lun4: mathematical theory

無論 [无] wu2lun4: no matter what or how; regardless of whether…
[無論 | むろん muron: of course; naturally]

無論何人 [无论何人] wu2 lun4 he2 ren2: whoever
[誰でも | だれでも dare demo OR だれであれ dare de are OR だれだって dare datte: anyone; anybody; everyone; everybody; whoever]

無論何事 [无论何事] wu2 lun4 he2 shi4: anything; whatever
無論如何 [无论如何] wu2 lun4 ru2 he2: anyhow; anyway; whatever
[何とでも | なんとでも nanto demo: whatever]

無論何時 [无论何时] wu2 lun4 he2 shi2: whenever
[都度 | つど tsudo: each (every) time; whenever] [何時でも | いつでも itsudemo: (at) any time; always; at all times; whenever]

無論何處 [无论何处] wu2 lun4 he2 chu4: anywhere; wherever
[何処も | どこも dokomo: everywhere; wherever]

結論 [结论] jie2lun4: conclusion; verdict; to conclude; to reach a verdict
[結論 | けつろん ketsuron: conclusion]
爭論 [争论] zheng1lun4: to argue; to debate; to contend; argument; contention; controversy; debate
[争論 | そうろん souron: argument; dispute; controversy]
評論 [评论] ping2lun4: to comment on; to discuss; comment; commentary
[評論 | ひょうろん hyouron: criticism; critique]

國際評論 [国际评论] guo2ji4 ping2lun4: international criticism
評論家 [评论家] ping2 lun4 jia1: critic; reviewer
[評論家 | ひょうろんか hyouronka: critic; reviewer; commentator]

進化論 [进化论] jin4 hua4 lun4: Darwin’s theory of evolution
[進化論 | しんかろん shinkaron: evolutionary theory; theory of evolution]
無神論者 [无神论者] wu2 shen2 lun4 zhe3: atheist
[無神論者 | むしんろんしゃ mushinronsha: atheist]
有神論者 [有神论者] you3 shen2 lun4 zhe3: theist (believer in one or more Deities)
多神論者 [多神论者] duo1 shen2 lun4 zhe3: polytheist (believer in a plurality of Deities)

論 [论] lun2: the Analects (of Confucius)

論語 [论语] lun2yu3: The Analects of Confucius 孔子 [論語 | ろんご rongo: the Analects of Confucius – one of the Four Books]
論處 [论处] lun2chu3: to punish
圖論 [图论] tu2lun2: graph theory (math.)
經剩餘論 [经剩馀论] jing1 sheng4yu2 lun2: labor surplus theory

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom | proverb
空理空論 | くうりくうろん kuuri kuuron
: (yoji) impractical or useless theory

犬に論語 | いぬにろんご inu ni rongo
: wasting one’s breath (trying to explain something); (reading) the Analects of Confucius to a dog

談論風発 | だんろんふうはつ danron fuuhatsu
: (yoji) spirited discussion

識者評論 | しきしゃひょうろん shikisha hyouron
: a word from the wise

賛否両論 | さんぴりょうろん sanpi ryouron
: (yoji) arguments for and against; pros and cons; mixed reception; mixed reviews

高論卓説 | こうろんたくせつ kouron takusetsu
: (yoji) an excellent opinion; an insightful view

論陣を張る | ろんじんをはる ronjin o haru
: to take a firm stand; to argue about

論を俟たない | ろんをまたない ron o matanai
: needless to say; it goes without saying

結論を下す | けつろんをくだす ktsuron o kudasu
: to draw a conclusion

論より証拠 | ろんよりしょうこ ron yori shouko
: the proof of the pudding is in the eating (lit: evidence is better than debate)

論語読みの論語知らず | ろんごよみのろんごしらず rongo yomi no rongo shirazu
: a mere scholar, unable to practically use what he has learned; someone who knows a theory, but cannot apply it

同日の論ではない | どうじつのろんではない doujitsu no ron de wa nai
: (proverb) there is no comparison between the two; it’s not a same-day discussion

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
坐而論道 [坐而论道] zuo4 er2 lun4 dao4
: to sit and pontificate; to find answers through theory and not through practice

奇談怪論 [奇谈怪论] qi2 tan2 guai4 lun4
: strange tales and absurd arguments; unreasonable remarks

就事論事 [就事论事] jiu4 shi4 lun4 shi4
: to discuss something on its own merits; to judge the matter as it stands

品頭論足 [品头论足] pin3 tou2 lun4 zu2
評頭論足 [评头论足] ping2 tou2 lun4 zu2
: lit. to assess the head and discuss the feet; minute criticism of a woman’s appearance; fig. to find fault in minor details; nitpicking; overcritical; to remark upon a person’s appearance; judgmental

成敗論人 [成败论人] cheng2 bai4 lun4 ren2
: to judge people based on their success or failure

爭長論短 [争长论短] zheng1 chang2 lun4 duan3
: lit. to argue who is right and wrong; to quibble; a storm in a teacup

相提並論 [相提并论] xiang1 ti2 bing4 lun4
: to discuss two disparate things together; to mention on equal terms; to place on a par with; (often with negatives: impossible to mention X in the same breath as Y)

蓋棺定論 [盖棺定论] gai4 guan1 ding4 lun4
: don’t pass judgment on a person’s life until the lid is on the coffin

議論紛紛 [议论纷纷] yi4 lun4 fen1 fen1
: to discuss spiritedly; tongues are wagging

是非自有公論 [是非自有公论] shi4 fei1 zi4 you3 gong1 lun4
: to determine right and wrong based on public opinion. Public opinion will judge what’s right and wrong.

卑之,無甚高論 [卑之,无甚高论] bei1 zhi1 , wu2 shen4 gao1 lun4
: my opinion, nothing very involved (humble expression); my humble point is a familiar opinion; what I say is really nothing out of the ordinary

形声 Pictophonetic.
言 (yan2: speech radical 149) suggests the meaning while
(lun2: logical reasons; to arrange) provides the sound.

Historical variant:

簡體 Simplified.
论. Derived from generic character simplification rule #71 (侖 » 仑) via usage of grass script form of character. Derived from generic radical simplification #1 (訁言 » 讠).


ごきょうろんにはきょうみないんだ gokyouron ni wa kyoumi nainda
I’m not interested in apologetics.

wo3men wu2lun4 dou1yao1 dao4 che1zhan4 jie1 ta1.
No matter how, we are going to the train station to pick him up.

進化論 – JJ Lin 林俊杰


他近水樓台 就地取材 手到擒來
我在他面前卻像 隔著 山脈

山伯和英台 一封留言 排山倒海
愛她的紙片 把我說成 呆

過了幾千年 愛情的寶典 祖先沒傳下來
達爾文的臉 黑丫丫一片 進化論解不開

(討厭現在) 多情容易被出賣
(討厭古代) 緣份只靠等待

(討厭未來) 那承諾太容易腐敗
(快轉倒帶) 結果總是一樣壞

馬車的輪胎 翻山越嶺 都要表白
跑車跑的快 只為早點 Bye

(討厭現在) 多情容易被出賣
(討厭古代) 緣份只靠等待

(討厭未來) 那承諾太容易腐敗
(快轉倒帶) 結果總是一樣壞

活了幾千年 愛情的臉 跟隨著進化在改變
悄悄的出現 疫苗看不見 誰拿感情來當消遣

(討厭現在) 多情容易被出賣
(討厭古代) 緣份只靠等待

(討厭未來) 那承諾太容易腐敗
(快轉倒帶) 結果總是一樣壞

(討厭現在 討厭古代) 緣份只靠等待
(討厭未來 快轉倒帶) 最後結果總是一樣壞

credit: JJ Lin 林俊杰

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary