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烤: to roast; bake

烤 kǎo

: to roast; to bake; to broil

Kun Reading
none applicable

あぶ.る aburu

On Reading
none applicable

コウ kou


烤鴨[鸭] kao3ya1: roast duck

北京烤鴨 [北京烤鸭] bei3 jing1 kao3 ya1: Peking Duck

烤麵包 [烤面包] kao3 mian4 bao1: toast; to bake bread

烤房 kao3fang2: drying room; oven
烤架 kao3jia4: grill (of a cooker etc)
烤火 kao3huo3: to warm oneself at a fire
烤炙 kao3zhi4: to scorch; (of the sun) to beat down on
烘烤 hong1kao3: to roast; to bake
焗烤 ju2kao3: to bake; gratin
焙烤 bei4kao3: to bake; to roast; to kiln
熏烤 xun1kao3: to smoke; to cure over a wood fire
燒[烧]烤 shao1kao3: barbecue; to roast

燒烤醬 [烧烤酱] shao1 kao3 jiang4: barbecue sauce

形声 Pictophonetic.
(huo3: fire radical 86) suggests the meaning while
(kao3: examine, test) provides the sound.

ni3 zi4ji3 na2 yi1 zhi3 kao3 li4 zi ba1
Grab yourself a roast chestnut.

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary