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霖: long spell of rain

霖 lín

: continued rain; long spell of rain, copious rain

Kun Reading

霖 | ながめ nagame OR 長雨 | ながあめ nagaame

: long spell of rain

On Reading

リン rin


春霖 chun1l lin2: spring rains [しゅんりん shunrin: spring rain]

Japanese common word
霖雨 | りんう rinu: long spell of rain
陰霖 | いんりん inrin: long period of rain

梅霖 | ばいりん bairin: rainy season

春霖 chun1 lin2 [しゅんりん shunrin]: spring rains

秋霖 | しゅうりん shuurin: autumn rain; fall rain
秋霖前線 | しゅうりんぜんせん shuurin zensen: autumn rain front; fall rain front

形声 Pictophonetic.
(yu3: rain radical 173) suggests the meaning while
(lin2: forest) provides the sound.

none applicable

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary