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歸: to return; revert

By February 5, 2016January 16th, 2017Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Music


歸 [归] guī

adjective | verb
: to return; to go back to, to revert
: to give back to
: (of a responsibility) to be taken care of by
: to belong to
: to gather together
: (used between two identical verbs) despite
: to marry (of a woman) (old)
: division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor

Kun Reading

帰す | きす kisu

godan verb with su ending
: to come to (in the end); to end in
: to attribute; to blame

帰す | かえす kaesu

godan verb with su ending | transitive verb
: to send (someone) back; to send (someone) home

帰り | かえり kaeri

: return; coming back

帰る | かえる kaeru

godan verb with ru ending | intransitive verb
: to return; to come home; to go home; to go back
: (of a guest, customer, etc.) to leave
: (of a baseball player rounding the bases) to get home

帰れ | かえれ kaere

: Go home; Get out

On Reading

キ ki


歸還 [归还] gui1huan2: to return something; to revert
[帰還 | きかん: repatriation; return
: (electrical) feedback]
歸納 [归纳] gui1na4: to sum up; to summarize; to conclude from facts; induction (method of deduction in logic)
[帰納 | きのう kinou: induction; recursion]
歸結 [归结] gui1jie2: to sum up; to conclude; in a nutshell; the end (of a story)
[帰結 | きけつ kiketsu: consequence; result; conclusion]
歸根到底 [归根到底] gui1gen1 dao4di3: after all; in the final analysis; ultimately

歸根結底 [归根结底] gui1gen1 jie2 di1: in the final analysis; ultimately

回歸[归] huígui1: to return to; to retreat; regression (statistics)
[回帰 | かいき kaiki: return (to); revolution; recurrence; recursion; comeback; revival]
九歸 [归] jiu3gui1: abacus division rules (using a single-digit divisor)
劃歸 [划归] hua4gui1: to incorporate; to put under (external administration)
復歸 [复归] fu4gui1: to return; to come back
[復帰 | ふっき futsuki: return; comeback; reinstatement
: carriage return; CR]
東歸 [东归] dōng1gui1: lit. to return east; fig. to return to one’s homeland

Favorite two phrases of the Japanese language

只今帰りました | ただいまかえりました tadaima kaerimashita
: I’m home!

お帰り | おかえり okaeri
: (Honorific or respectful language) return
: welcome home
お帰りなさい | おかえりなさい okaeri nasai
: welcome home

Japanese common word | expression | idiom | proverb
帰って来る | かえってくる kaette kuru
: to return; to come back

持帰り | もちかえり mochi kaeri
: takeout (i.e. food); take-out; takeaway; take-away

宝の山に入りながら手を空しくして帰る | たからのやまにいりながらてをむなしくしてかえる
takara no yama ni irinagara te o munashikushite kaeru
: (proverb) though sitting on a pile of riches, one comes back empty handed; to have a good opportunity only to let it slip from your grasp

落花枝に帰らず破鏡再び照らさず | らっかえだにかえらずはきょうふたたびてらさず
rakkaeda ni kaerazu hakyoufutatabi terasazu
: fallen blossom doesn’t return to the branch, a broken mirror can not be made to shine; what’s done is done; there’s no use crying over spilled milk

覆水盆に帰らず | ふくすいぼんにかえらず fukusui bon ni kaerazu
: what’s done is done; that’s water under the bridge; it is no use crying over spilt milk; spilt water won’t go back into its tray

Chinese idiom | expression | proverb
歸心似箭 [归心似箭] gui1 xin1 si4 jian4
: with one’s heart set on speeding home

不醉不歸 [不醉不归] bu4 zui4 bu4 gui1
: to not return without getting drunk

同歸於盡 [同归于尽] tong2 gui1 yu2 jin4
: to die in such a way that sb (or something) else also perishes; to take sb down with oneself; to end in mutual destruction

完璧歸趙 [完璧归赵] wan2 bi4 gui1 zhao4
:. to return the jade annulus to Zhao; fig. to return something intact to its rightful owner

命歸黃泉 [命归黄泉] ming4 gui1 huang2 quan2
: lit. to return to the Yellow Springs (黃泉|黄泉 Huang2 quan2); fig. to die; to meet one’s end

水落歸槽 [水落归槽] shui3 luo4 gui1 cao2
: spilt water returns to the trough; fig. people remember where they belong

改邪歸正 [改邪归正] gai3 xie2 gui1 zheng4
: to mend one’s ways; to turn over a new leaf

落葉歸根 [落叶归根] luo4 ye4 gui1 gen1
: lit. a falling leaf returns to the roots; fig. all things go back to their source eventually; in old age, an expatriate returns home
樹高千丈,葉落歸根 [树高千丈,叶落归根] shu4 gao1 qian1 zhang4 , ye4 luo4 gui1 gen1
: fig. a tree may grow a thousand zhang high, but its leaves return to their roots (proverb); fig. everything has its ancestral home; in old age, an expatriate returns home

言歸正傳 [言归正传] yan2 gui1 zheng4 zhuan4
: to return to the topic; to get back to the main point

責有攸歸 [责有攸归] ze2 you3 you1 gui1
: responsibility must lie where it belongs

涓滴歸公 [涓滴归公] juan1 di1 gui1 gong1
: every drop returns to the public good; not one penny is misused

避其銳氣,擊其惰歸 [避其锐气,击其惰归] bi4 qi2 rui4 qi4 , ji1 qi2 duo4 gui1
: avoid the enemy when he is fresh and strike him when he is tired and withdraws


none applicable

簡體 Simplified.
归. Created as generic character simplification #36 (歸 » 归).

Historical / Japanese Variant:
帰 gui1: return; revert

落葉歸根 – Wang Lee Hom 王力宏


舉頭望 無盡灰雲
那季節 叫做寂寞
背包 塞滿了家用
路就 這樣開始走
日不見 太陽的暖
夜不見 月光的藍
不得不 選擇 寒冷的開始
留下 只擁有 遺憾

命運 的 安排
遵守 自然 的邏輯
誰都 無法 揭謎底

喔~ 遠離家鄉 不勝唏噓 幻化成秋夜
而我卻像 落葉歸根 墜在你心間
幾分憂鬱 幾分孤單 都心甘情願
我的愛像 落葉歸根
家 唯獨在你身邊


我卻像 落葉歸根 墜在你心間
幾分憂鬱 幾分孤單 都心甘情願
我的愛像 落葉歸根
家 唯獨在你身邊

credit: Wang Lee Hom 王力宏

お帰り – Ayaka 飯田 絢香

おかえり sweet home
帰る場所 愛をありがとう

信じることの大切さ わかってるのに
いざという時 疑ってしまうんです

空っぽの体 流れる時に 
あなたのこと 抱きしめたい

おかえり I’m home
一言で 満たされる心
おかえり sweet home
帰る場所 愛をありがとう sweet home

でも必死で帰ることを 叫んでる人
もいるんだと やっと知ったんです

当たり 前の 幸せなんか 
あなたのため そう思えた

おかえり I’m home
おかえり sweet home
変わらない ずっとある景色 sweet home

探して なくした 
心の傷が 立ち向かう強さに変われたのは

おかえり I’m home
一言で 満たされる心
おかえり sweet home
帰る場所 愛をありがとう

おかえり I’m home
大丈夫 あなたがいるから
おかえり sweet home
待っててね もうすぐ着くから sweet home

credit: Ayaka 飯田 絢香

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary