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許: to permit; to promise

By July 17, 2015January 16th, 2017Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning


許[许] xǔ

noun | adjective | verb
: to allow; to permit
: to promise; betroth
: to praise
: somewhat; perhaps

Kun Reading

許 | もと moto

: under (esp. influence or guidance)

許 | ばかし bakashi OR ばかり bakari OR ばっか bakka

: (Usually written using kana alone) (Colloquialism) approximately; about
: only; nothing but
: (after the -ta form of a verb) just (finished, etc.)

許 | ゆるし yurushi

: pardon; forgiveness; exemption; permission

許 | ゆるす yurusu

godan verb with su ending | transitive verb
: to permit; to allow; to approve
: to exempt (from fine); to excuse (from); to pardon; to forgive; to release; to let off
: to confide in
: to give up; to yield

On Reading

キョ kyo


許[许]多 xu3duo1: many; a lot of; much
許[许]可 xu3ke3: to permit; to allow; permission
[許可 | きょか kyoka: permission; approval; authorization; license
: (Suru verb) to permit; to authorize]
許願 [许愿] xu3yuan4: to make a wish; to make a vow (to a god); to promise a reward
許[许]久 xu3jiu3: for a long time; for ages
許[许]下 xu3xia4: to make a promise
許[许]嫁 xu3jia4: allowed to marry
[許嫁 | きょか kyoka OR いいなずけ iinazuke: fiance; fiancee]
許[许]婚 xu3hun1: to become engaged; to affiance (a daughter)
[許婚 | きょこん kyokon OR いいなずけ iinazuke: fiance; fiancee]
也許[许] ye3xu3; perhaps; maybe
允許[许] yun3xu3: to permit; to allow
[允許 | いんきょ inkyo: permission; license]
不許[许] bu4xu3: not to allow; must not; can’t
容許[许] rong2xu3: to permit; to allow
或許[许] huo4xu3: perhaps; maybe

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom | proverb
目許千両 | めもとせんりょう memoto senryou
: (yoji) beautiful eyes; bright-eyed; there being a sublime charm about one’s eyes

許りでなく | ばかりでなく bakari de naku
: not only … but (also); as well as …

心を許せる人 | こころをゆるせるひと kokoro o yuruseru hito
: one’s trusted friend; confidant

許可を与える | きょかをあたえる kyoka o ataeru
: to grant permission; to give permission

知らぬは亭主許り也 | しらぬはていしゅばかりなり shiranu wa teishu bakari nari
: Only the husband does not know

衣許りで和尚は出来ぬ | ころもばかりでおしょうはできぬ koromo bakari de oshou wa dekinu
: (proverb) The clothes do not make the man. The cowl does not make the monk

許りが能ではない | ばかりがのうではない bakari ga noude wa nai
: It is not everything to

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom | proverb
以身許國 [以身许国] yi3 shen1 xu3 guo2
: to dedicate oneself to the cause of one’s country

只許州官放火,不許百姓點燈 [只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯] zhi3 xu3 zhou1 guan1 fang4 huo3 , bu4 xu3 bai3 xing4 dian3 deng1
: only the official is allowed to light the fire. Gods may do what cattle may not; quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi


形声 Pictophonetic.
言 (yan2: speech radical 149) suggests the meaning while
(wu3: noon) provides the sound.

簡體 Simplified.
许. Derived from generic radical simplification #1 (訁言 » 讠).

かれのかしつをゆるした kare no kashitsu o yurushita
I pardoned his fault.

ni gei hai2zi xu3 le yuan4 jiu4 qian1wan4 bu4yao1 shi2yan2
You should never go back on your promise to a child.

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary