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近: near

By May 19, 2015October 6th, 2015Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning


近 jìn

adjective | adverb
: near
: close to; approximately

Kun Reading

近い | ちかい chikai

: near; close; short (distance)

近く | ちかく chikaku

noun | no-adjective
: near; neighbourhood; neighborhood; vicinity
: (Noun suffix) nearly (i.e. “it took nearly one year”); close to
: (Adverb) shortly; soon

On Reading

キン kin

コン kon


近來[来] jin4lai2: recently; lately
[近来 | きんらい kinrai: recently]
近代 jin4dai4: the not-very-distant past; modern times, excluding recent decades; (in the context of Chinese history) the period from the Opium Wars until the May 4th Movement (mid-19th century to 1919); capitalist times (pre-1949)
[きんだい kindai: present day; modern times]
近視[视] jin4shi4: shortsighted; nearsighted; myopia
[きんし kinshi: myopia; shortsightedness; nearsightedness]
近年 jin4nian2: recent year(s)
[きんねん kinnen: recent years]
近期 jin4qi1: near in time; in the near future; very soon; recent
近零jin41ling2: approach 0 (in calculus) 
最近 zui4jin4: recently; these days; soon; nearest (of locations); shortest (of routes)
[さいきん saikin: most recent; these days; right now; recently; nowadays]
附近 fu4jin4: (in the) vicinity; nearby; neighboring; next to
[ふきん fukin: neighborhood; vicinity; environs
: (Obscure term) approaching]
接近 jie1jin4: to approach; to get close to
[せっきん sekkin: getting closer; drawing nearer; approaching]
靠近 kao4jin4: near; to approach
臨[临]近 lin2jin4; close to; approaching
遠[远]近 yuan3jin4: distance; far and near
[遠近 | えんきん enkin: distance; perspective; far and near; here and there]
遠近聞名 [远近闻名] yuan3jin4 wen2ming2: to have one’s name heard far and near: famous
套近乎 tao4 jin4 hu1: to worm one’s way into being friends with sb (usually derogatory)

Japanese expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom
間近 OR 真近 | まぢか majika: proximity; nearness; soon; nearby

近所合壁 | きんじょがっぺき kinjo gappeki
: (yoji) immediate neighborhood; immediate neighbourhood

近所迷惑 | きんじょめいわく kinjo meiwaku
: (yoji) neighborhood nuisance; neighbourhood nuisance

*遠くの親類より近くの他人 | とおくのしんるいよりちかくのたにん tooku no shinrui yori chikaku no tanin
: A neighbor is better than a relative living far

君子危うきに近寄らず | くんしあやうきにちかよらず kunshi ayauki ni chika yorazu
: A wise man keeps away from danger

近しき中に礼儀有り | ちかしきなかにれいぎあり chikashiki naka ni reigiari
: A hedge between keeps friendships

近からず遠からず | ちかからずとおからず chika kara zu tookarazu
: neither near nor far

遠きは花の香近きは糞の香 | とおきははなのかちかきはくそのか tooki wa hana no ka chikaki wa kusonoka
: it’s human nature to consider things that are afar as beautiful and things that are up close as unsightly

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
不近人情 bu4 jin4 ren2 qing2
: not amenable to reason; unreasonable

平易近人 ping2 yi4 jin4 ren2
: amiable and approachable; easy-going; modest and unassuming; (of writing) plain and simple; easy to understand

近墨者黑 jin4 mo4 zhe3 hei1
: proximity to pitch makes you black (from Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修|欧阳修); different environments provide different influence.
近朱者赤,近墨者黑 jin4 zhu1 zhe3 chi4 , jin4 mo4 zhe3 hei1
: proximity to cinnabar makes you red, to pitch makes you black (from Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修|欧阳修); different environments provide different influence. Nurture determines a person’s character.

遠水不解近渴 [远水不解近渴] yuan3 shui3 bu4 jie3 jin4 ke3
: lit. distant water does not cure present thirst; fig. urgent need; a slow remedy does not address immediate needs

*遠親不如近鄰 [远亲不如近邻] yuan3 qin1 bu4 ru2 jin4 lin2
: A relative afar is less use than a close neighbor. Take whatever help is on hand, even from strangers.

遠水不救近火 [远水不救近火] yuan3 shui3 bu4 jiu4 jin4 huo3
遠水救不了近火 [远水救不了近火] yuan3 shui3 jiu4 bu5 liao3 jin4 huo3
: lit. water from afar quenches not fire; fig. urgent need; a slow remedy does not address the current emergency

人無遠慮,必有近憂 [人无远虑,必有近忧] ren2 wu2 yuan3 lu:4 , bi4 you3 jin4 you1
: He who gives no thought to far-flung problems soon finds suffering nearby (from Analects). Smug concentration on the here and now will lead to future sorrow.

好學近乎知,力行近乎仁,知恥近乎勇 [好学近乎知,力行近乎仁,知耻近乎勇] hao4 xue2 jin4 hu5 zhi1 , li4 xing2 jin4 hu5 ren2 , zhi1 chi3 jin4 hu5 yong3
: to love learning is akin to knowledge, to study diligently is akin to benevolence, to know shame is akin to courage (Confucius)

近水樓臺先得月 [近水楼台先得月] jin4 shui3 lou2 tai2 xian1 de2 yue4
: the pavilion closest to the water enjoys moonlight first; to benefit from intimacy with an influential person


辶 (chou4: walk radical 162) suggests the meaning while
(jin1: a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen) provides the sound.

jin1: a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69
[on: きん kin]

これはさいきんのしゃしん kore wa saikin no shashin
Is this a recent photo?

ta1 nian2 jin4 si4shi2
He is near forty.

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary