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斥: to blame; to reprove


斥 chì

: to blame
: to reprove; to reprimand
: to expel; to oust
: to reconnoiter; (of territory) to expand
: saline marsh

Kun Reading

斥く | しりぞく shirizoku

godan verb with ku ending | intransitive verb
: to step back; to move back
: to leave (the presence of a superior); to withdraw; to retreat; to concede
: to resign; to retire; to quit

斥ける | しりぞける shirizokeru

ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to repel; to drive away; to repulse; to reject

On Reading

セキ seki


斥候 chi4hou4: to reconnoiter; to scout; scout
[せっこう sekkou: scout; patrol; spy]
斥力 chi4li4: repulsion (in electrostatics); repulsive force
[せきりょく sekiryoku: repulsion; repulsive force]
斥罵[骂] chi4ma4: to scold
斥責[责] chi4ze2: to lash out; to reprimand
斥資[资] chi4zi1: to spend; to allocate funds
排斥 pai2chi4: to reject; to exclude; to eliminate; to remove; to repel
[はいせき haiseki: rejection; expulsion; boycott; ostracism]
駁[驳]斥 bo2chi4: to refute; to debunk; to deny; to denounce
充斥 chong1chi4: to be full of; to flood; to congest
互斥 hu4chi4: mutually exclusive
呵斥 he1chi4: to berate; to excoriate; to chide; also written 喝斥
[呵る | しかる shikaru: to scold]

Chinese expression
同性相斥 tong2 xing4 xiang1 chi4
: like polarities repel each other; (fig.) like repels like

揮斥方遒 [挥斥方遒] hui1 chi4 fang1 qiu2
: full of vim


斥 chi4: to scold, upbraid, accuse, reproach =
jin1: a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd +
丶 zhu3: dot; KangXi radical 3

㡿 chi4: (standard form of 斥) to accuse; to blame, to expel; to drive off; to reject

jin1: a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69
[on: きん kin]

yi3 he1chi4 sheng1 biao3shi4 yan4wu.
They hooted their disgust.

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary