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昔: former times; ancient


昔 xī

: former times; the past; ancient

Kun Reading

昔 | むかし mukashi

no-adjective | adverbial noun | temporal noun
: olden days; former

On Reading

せき seki


昔日 xi1ri4: formerly; in olden days [せきじつ sekijitsu]
昔年 xi1nian2: former years; previous years
[せきねん sekinen: old times; antiquity; former years]
昔時[时] xi1shi2: yore
[昔時 | せきじ sekiji: old times; former times]
今昔 jin1xi1: past and present; yesterday and today
[こんせき konseki: past & present]
古昔 gu3xi1: (literary) ancient times; in olden days
[こせき koseki: ancient times]
往昔 wang3xi1: in the past
[おうせき ouseki: ancient times]

Japanese expression | idiom
昔々 | むかしむかし mukashi mukashi
: long ago; once upon a time

昔を想う | むかしをおもう mukashi o omou
: to recall the old days

昔を懐かしむ | むかしをなつかしむ mukashi o natsukashimu
: to view the past with nostalgia

昔取った杵柄 | むかしとったきねづか mukashi totta kinezuka
: skill learned in one’s former days; using one’s experience from the past; you never forget your own trade

昔を偲ばせる品 | むかしをしのばせるしな mukashi o shinobaserushina
: things reminiscent of bygone days

昔は昔今は今 | むかしはむかしいまはいま mukashi wa mukashi ima wa ima
: Let bygones be bygones

Chinese expression | idiom
今昔對比 [今昔对比] jin1 xi1 dui4 bi3
: to contrast past suffering with present happiness

今非昔比 jin1 fei1 xi1 bi3
: You can’t compare the present with the past. Nothing is as good as in former times. Things ain’t what they used to be.


会意 Associative Compound.
Days (ri4: sun) of the flood (wavy lines representing water replaced by grid-like shape)

miao2: sprouts
[kun: なえ nae.
on: びょう byou; ミャオ myao; みょう myou]

ni3 kan4qi3lai2 jian4kang1 ru2xi1
You look as healthy as ever.

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary