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停: to stop

By November 6, 2014December 1st, 2016Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Music


停 tíng

adjective | verb
: to stop; to halt; suspend; delay
: suitable
: to park (a car)

Kun Reading

停まる OR 止まる | とまる tomaru

godan verb with ru ending | intransitive verb
: to stop (moving); to come to a stop
: to stop (doing, working, being supplied); to come to a halt; to cease; to be stopped; to be suspended
: to alight; to perch on

停める OR 止める | とめる tomeru

ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to stop (something or someone); to turn off
: to fix into place
: to park; to leave somewhere for a time

停まる OR 止まる | とどまる todomaru

godan verb with ru ending | intransitive verb
: to remain; to abide; to stay (in the one place);
: to be limited to; to be confined to

停める OR 留める | とどめる todomeru

ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to stop; to stay (e.g. the night); to cease; to put an end to
: to contain; to keep (in position, in place); to limit
: to record (e.g. a fact); to retain

On Reading

てい tei

ちょう chou


停止 ting2zhi3: to stop; to halt; to cease
[ていし teishi OR ちょうじ chouji: suspension; interruption; stoppage; ban; standstill; halt; hang-up; deadlock; stalemate; abeyance]
停電 ting2dian4: power cut
[停電电[电] | ていでん teiden: power outage; electricity outage; blackout; failure of electricity supply]
停學[学] ting2xue2: rustication
[停学 | ていがく teigaku: suspension from school]
停車[车] ting2che1: to pull up (stop one’s vehicle); to park; (of a machine) to stop working; to stall
[停車 | ていしゃ teisha: shopping (e.g. train)]

停車場 [停车场] ting2che1 chang3: parking lot; car park
[停車場 | ていしゃば teishaba OR ていしゃじょう teishajou: depot; railway station; taxi stand]

停留 ting2liu2: to stay somewhere temporarily; to stop over
[ていりゅう teiryuu: stop; halt]
停滯[滞] ting2zhi4: stagnation; at a standstill; bogged down
[停滞 | ていたい teitai: stagnation; tie-up; congestion; retention; accumulation; falling into arrears]
停頓[顿] ting2dun4: to halt; to break off; pause (in speech)
[停頓 | ていとん teitun: deadlock; standstill; stalemate; set-back; abeyance]
不停 bu4ting2: incessant
暫[暂]停 zan4ting2: to suspend; time-out (e.g. in sports); stoppage; pause (media player)
消停 xiao1ting2: to calm down; to stop; to pause; calmly; peaceful; restful
調[调]停 tiao2ting2: to reconcile; to mediate; to bring warring parties to agreement; to arbitrate
[調停 | ちょうてい choutei: arbitration; conciliation; mediation]
關[关]停 guan1ting2: (of a power plant, refinery etc) to shut down

Chinese idiom
停滯不前 [停滞不前] ting2 zhi4 bu4 qian2
: stuck and not moving forward; stagnant; in a rut; at a standstill

停酒止樂 [停酒止乐] ting2 jiu3 zhi3 yue4
: stop the wine and stop the music

形声 Pictophonetic.
亻 (ren2: person radical 9) suggests the meaning while
(ting2: pavilion; erect) provides the sound.

Historical Variant:
ding1: alone; lonely; solitary


あらしでていでんした arashi de teiden shita
The storm knocked out power.

wo3 xi1wang4 yu3 kuai4dian3 ting2
I wish the rain will stop sooner.

愛情怎麼喊停 Can’t stop love – 曾沛慈 Pets Tseng


不可以 不滿足你的好意 不能這麼厚臉皮
傻傻看你 還是想要更靠近 只怕再靠近 就一錯再錯的錯下去

不可以 糾纏著你的身影 不能再讓你為我擔心著急
多麼想要告訴你 我好喜歡你 都怪我控制不了自己

我努力壓抑 可是愛情怎麼喊停 你身上的熱還在我的懷裡
拼命的擦掉痕跡 面對你認真的眼睛 原諒我忍住了眼淚冷漠無情

我努力忘記 可是愛情怎麼喊停 和你在一起就像是在陽光裡
快樂到不想分離 為了你什麼都願意 這一次讓我昧著良心

不可以 捨不得你的好意 不能這麼厚臉皮
傻傻看你 還是想要更靠近 不能再靠近 難道要這樣的錯下去

不可以 糾纏著你的身影 不能再讓你為我擔心著急
多麼想要告訴你 我好喜歡你 都怪我控制不了自己

我努力壓抑 可是愛情怎麼喊停 你身上的熱還在我的懷裡
拼命的擦掉痕跡 面對你認真的眼睛 原諒我忍住了眼淚冷漠無情

我努力忘記 可是愛情怎麼喊停 和你在一起就像是 在陽光裡
快樂到不想分離 為了你什麼都願意 這一次讓我昧著良心

我努力壓抑 可是愛情怎麼喊停 你身上的熱還在我的懷裡
拼命的擦掉痕跡 面對你認真的眼睛 原諒我忍住了眼淚冷漠到底

我努力忘記 可是愛情怎麼喊停 和你在一起就像是 在陽光裡
快樂到不想分離 為了你什麼都願意 對不起讓我昧著良心
轉身 離去

credit: 曾沛慈 Pets Tseng

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary