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炬: torch

By September 15, 2014Language-Learning

炬 jù

: torch

Kun Reading

炬 | たいまつ taimatsu

: to refuse; to reject; to decline

On Reading

炬 | きょ kyo

: (pine) torch; flambeau; torchlight


火炬 huo3ju4: a torch
[炬火 | きょか kyoka: pine torch; torchlight; firebrand]

Japanese common word
炬燵 | こたつ kotatsu
: table over an electric heater (orig. a charcoal brazier in a floor well) with a hanging quilt that retains heat

炬燵虫 | こたつむし kotatsu mushi
: someone who curls up under a kotatsu all winter; kotatsu bug; kotatsu snail

Chinese idiom
付之一炬 fu4 zhi1yi1 ju4
: to put to the torch; to commit to the flames; to burn something down deliberately

形声 Pictophonetic.
(huo3: fire; radical 86) suggests the meaning while
(ju4: chief; huge) provides the sound.

none applicable

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary