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用: to use; employ; to eat/drink

By February 3, 2014January 28th, 2021Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Music

用 yòng

verb | preposition | radical 101
: to use; employ; to eat/drink

Kun Reading

用いる | もちいる mochiiru

Ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to use; to make use of; to utilize

On Reading

よう you

noun | noun suffix
: task; business
: use; duty; service
: call of nature; excretion


用力 yong4li4: to exert oneself physically
用心 yong4xin1: motive; intention; to be diligent or attentive; careful
[ようじん youjin: care; precaution; guarding; caution]
用功 yong4gong1: diligent; industrious; to study hard; to make great effort
用處[处] yong4chu: usefulness
用途 yong4tu2: use; application
[ようと youth: use; usefulness; utility; service; purpose]
用品 yong4pin3: articles for use; products; goods
[ようひん youhin: articles; supplies; parts]
不用 bu4yong4: need not
[ふよう fuyou: : disused; unused; useless; wasteful; of no use]

不用客氣[气] bu4 yong4 ke4 qi5: You’re welcome (that is, please don’t thank me); There is no need to stand on ceremonies

使用 shi3yong4: to use; to employ; to apply
[しよう shiyou: use; application; employment; utilization]

使用權[权] shi3 yong4 quan2: usage rights
使用者 shi3 yong4 zhe3: user [しようしゃ shiyousha: user; consumer; employer]

利用 li4yong4: to exploit; to make use of; to use; to take advantage of; to utilize
[りよう riyou: use; utilization; application]
作用 zuo4yong4: to act on; to have an effect on; function; effect; motive
[さよう sayou: action; operation; effect; function]
採[采]用 cai3yong4: to adopt; to employ; to use
[採用 | さいよう saiyou: use; adoption; acceptance; appointment; employment; engagement]
應[应]用 ying4yong4: to use; to apply; applicable
無[无]用 wu2yong4: useless; worthless [むよう muyou: useless; futility; needlessness; unnecessariness]
試[试]用 shi4yong4: to try something out; on probation [しよう shiyou: trial; experimental use]
信用卡 xin4 yong4 ka3: credit card
守信用 shou3 xin4 yong4: to keep one’s word; trustworthy

Japanese common word | expression | idiom
用心棒 | ようじんぼう youjinbou
: bodyguard; bouncer; guard
: bar (e.g. on a door); bolt

用途が広い | ようとがひろい youto ga hiroi
: versatile

使用できる | しようできる shiyoudekiru
: fit for use; available; operational; practicable; usable

何用で | なにようで naniyoude
: on what business

他言無用 | たごんむよう tagonmuyou
: Not a word to anyone; Mum’s the word

心を用いる | こころをもちいる kokoroomochiiru
: to be attentive to; to pay attention to

心配無用 | しんぱいむよう shinpai muyou
: Don’t worry about it; There is nothing to fear; There is no need for anxiety; Everything is under control

無用の長物 | むようのちょうぶつ muyounochoubutsu
: useless object; deadwood; white elephant; boondoggle

Chinese idiom
一心二用 yi1 xin1 er4 yong4
: to do two things at once: to multitask; to divide one’s attention

心無二用 xin1 wu2 er4 yong4
: one cannot concentrate on two things at the same time

寬[宽]打窄用 kuan1 da3 zhai3 yong4
: to give oneself leeway: to allow room for error


象形 Pictographic.
Picture of a bell (without hanger)

“Use” Radical #101

假借 Phonetic loan.
Original form of 甬 (yong3: bell).

early scholars say, “The vertical stroke in the center is an arrow shot into the bull’s eye, therefore ‘apt to use.’ ”


不潮不用花錢 High Fashion – 林俊杰 JJLin feat. BY2


Hey greedy, don’t fret
What you see is what u get
U name it, I have it
What you see is what u get

左左 左左 偏左 就用左手 生活 就不用想太多
怦怦 怦怦 心動 張開眼睛 就記得 當下的強烈
有時靈光一閃而過 牛頓也吃蘋果
我的念頭不太囉唆 限時間能入座


你說 聽說 聽說 你聽誰說 跟著 亂走 鬧哄哄
通通 通通 普通 普通 如果不懂 不要 隨便 拒絕

有時靈光一閃而過 牛頓也吃蘋果
我的念頭不太囉唆 限時間能入座


Little chick having chips on my sofa
Bearbricks take a shit on my sofa
Smudge babies lying on my sofa
Neighborhoods and kicks singing ‘So-fa’

Little chick having chips on my sofa
Bearbricks take a shit on my sofa
Smudge babies lying on my sofa

Hey Greedy, don’t fret
What you see is what you get
You name it, I have it
What you see is what you get


Hey Greedy, don’t fret
What you see is what you get
You name it, I have it
What you see is what you get

Hey Greedy, don’t fret
What you see is what you get
You name it, I have it
What you see is what you get

credit: JJ Lin 林俊杰


Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary