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受: to receive

By October 9, 2013October 6th, 2015Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning


受 shòu

adjective | verb | preposition
: to receive; accept; get

Kun Reading

受け | うけ uke

: popularity; favor;
kana only: submissive partner of a homosexual relationship

受ける | うける ukeru

ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to receive/get; sustain

受かる | うかる ukaru

godan verb with ru ending | intransitive verb
: to pass (an exam)

On Reading

受 | じゅ ju

noun | Buddhist term
: feeling / sensation: vedana


受傷[伤] shou4shang1: sustain injuries; wounded; harmed
受到 shou4dao4: to receive; suffer; obtain; given
受不了 shou4bu4liao3: unbearable; can’t stand
受害 shou4hai4: to suffer damage; injury; killed; robbed
受罪 shou4zui4: to endure; suffer; hard time; nuisance
受業[业] shou4ye4: to study; to learn from a master; pupil’s 1st person pronoun: I, your student
接受 jie1shou4: to accept; receive
[せつじゅ setsuju: receive; intercept] noun + suru
享受 xiang3shou4: to enjoy; to live it up
[きょうじゅ kyouju: reception; enjoyment] noun + suru
遭受 zao1shou4: to suffer; sustain (loss/misfortune)
難[难]受 nan2shou4: to feel unwell; 2suffer pain; difficult 2bear
感受 gan3shou4: to sense; perceive/fell; an impression
[かんじゅ kanju: susceptibility; sensitivity]
忍受 ren3shou4: to bear/endure 
不受歡[欢]迎 bu4 shou4 huan1 ying2: unwelcome

Chinese idiom/saying
授受不親[亲] shou4shou4 bu4 qin1:
(in ancient times) no direct contact between men and women
無[无]功受祿[禄] wu2 gong1 shou4 lu4: to get undeserved rewards
無功不受祿 wu2 gong1 bu4 shou4 lu4: to not be rewarded if it’s not deserved
花錢[钱]找罪受 hua1 qian2 zhao3 zui4 shou4:
to spend money on something that turns out to be unsatisfactory or even disastrous
小洞不堵,大洞受苦 xiao3 dong4 bu4 du3 , da4 dong4 shou4 ku3
: A small hole not plugged will make you suffer a big hole: A stitch in time saves nine.

Japanese saying
受けねらい | うけねらい ukenerai: aiming for laughs; playing to the crowd; crowd-pleaser


会意 Associative Compound.
One hand 又 (you4: &; also; again) receiving a
plate 冖 (mi4: cover; radical 14) from
another 爫 (zhao3: claw; radical 87)


好熱啊! 我快受不了啦!
hao3 re4 a1! wo3 kuai4 shou4 bu4 liao3 la1!
It’s so hot! I can’t take it anymore!

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary