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注 | 註: to pour; to concentrate; stake | to register; note

By June 16, 2014May 5th, 2017Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning

注 zhù

: to inject; to pour into
: to concentrate; to pay attention
: stake (gambling)
: measure word for sums of money
: variant of 註

註 [注] zhù

verb | noun
: to register; to annotate; note; comment

Kun Reading

注す | さす sasu

godan verb with su ending | transitive verb
: to pour; to add (liquid); to serve (drinks)
: to put on (lipstick, etc.); to apply; to colour; to dye
: to light (a fire); to burn

注ぐ | つぐ tsugu

godan verb with gu ending | transitive verb
: (usu. written as kana when referring to a solid) to pour (into a vessel); to fill; to dish out food or drink

注 | そそぐ sosogu

godan verb with gu ending
: to pour (into); to fill
: to sprinkle on from above; to shed (e.g. tears)
: to concentrate one’s spirit or strength on
: to fall onto (of rain, snow)

註する | ちゅうする chuusuru

suru verb – special class | transitive verb
: (Archaism) to annotate
: to write down

On Reading

註 OR 注 | ちゅう chuu

noun | suru verb
: annotation; explanatory note; comment


注意 zhu4yi4: to take note of; pay attention to
[ちゅうい chuui: caution; being careful; warning advice]

注意力 zhu4 yi4 li4: attention
[ちゅういりょく chuuiryoku: attentiveness]

不注意 bu4 zhu4 yi4: thoughtless; not pay attention to
[ふちゅうい fuchuui: carelessness; inattention; thoughtlessness]

引人注意 yin3 ren2 zhu4 yi4: to attract attention; eye-catching; conspicuous

注意集中 | ちゅういしゅうちゅう chuuishuuchuu: concentration

注射 zhu4she4: injection; to inject [ちゅうしゃ chuusha: injection]
注視[视] zhu4shi4: to watch attentively; to gaze
[注視 | ちゅうし chuushi: gazing steadily at; observing closely]
注重 zhu4zhong4: to pay attention to; to emphasize
注目 zhu4mu4: attention; to stare at; to fix attention on something
[ちゅうもく chuumoku: notice; attention; observation]
關[关]注 guan1zhu4: to pay attention to; to follow something closely; concern; interest; attention
賭[赌]注 du3hu4: stake (in a gamble); (what is at) stake
下注 xia4zhu4: to pour; to lay a bet
註[注]定 zhu4ding4: to be destined; to be fated
註冊[注册] zhu4ce4: to register; to enroll
註銷[注销] zhu4xiao1: to cancel; to write off
註解 [注解] zhu4jie3: to annotate; annotation; comment; interpretation; to explain with notes; explanatory note
[ちゅうかい chuukai: gloss; explanatory notes; annotation]
註腳[注脚] zhu4jiao3: footnote
偏註[注] pian1zhu4: to stress in a prejudiced way; to emphasize something unduly
眷註[注] juan4zhu4: to think fondly of somebody

Japanese common word | expression
註文 | ちゅうもん chuumon: order; request
ご注文 | ごちゅうもん gochuumon: order; request

水を注す | みずをさす mizu o sasu
: to pour oil on (something); to anoint with oil
: to turn up; to add fuel (e.g. to a dispute); to rev up; to encourage

朱を注ぐ | しゅをそそぐ shu o sosogu
: to flush bright red (e.g. of someone’s face)

心血を注ぐ | しんけつをそそぐ shinketsu o sosogu
: to put one’s heart into; to completely devote oneself to

火に油を注ぐ | ひにあぶらをそそぐ hi ni abura o sosogu
to add fuel to the fire; to make things worse; to stir things up

Chinese idiom
命中註[注]定 ming4 zhong1 zhu4 ding4
: decreed by fate; destined; fated


形声 Pictophonetic .
(shui3: water radical 85) suggests the meaning while
(zhu3: lord) provides the sound.

形声 Pictophonetic .
言(yan2: speech) suggests the meaning while
(zhu3: lord) provides the sound.

wang1: vast; extensive; deep
[on: おう ou]

ming4 zhong1 zhu4 ding4 wo3 ai4 ni.
Fated to love you.

Also 2008 Taiwanese drama by the same name, Fated to Love You.

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary