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漱: to rinse; to gargle

By Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning

漱 shù

: to rinse one’s mouth with water; to gargle

Kun Reading

漱 | うがい ugai

noun | suru verb
: gargling; rinsing one’s mouth

漱ぐ OR 濯ぐ | すすぐ susugu

godan verb with gu ending | transitive verb
: to rinse; to wash out
: to have one’s revenge; to wipe out a disgrace

漱ぐ | くちすすぐ kuchisusugu

godan verb with gu ending
: to gargle; to rinse the mouth

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ソウ sou
シュウ shuu
ス su

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整: orderly; whole

By Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Music

整 zhěng

adjective | verb | adverb
: orderly; in order; tidy, neat
: whole; complete; entire; exactly; in good order
: to repair; to mend; to renovate
: (coll.) to fix somebody
: to give somebody a hard time; to mess with somebody

Kun Reading

整う | ととのう totonou

godan verb with u ending | intransitive verb
: to be prepared; to be in order; to be put in order; to be arranged

整え | ととのえ totonoe

: preparation; arrangement; execution

整える | ととのえる totonoeru

ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to put in order; to arrange; to adjust
: to get ready; to prepare
: to raise money

整った | ととのった totonotta

noun | verb acting prenominally
: well-ordered; in good order; well-featured; well-regulated

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セイ sei

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束: to bind; to control

By Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Music

束 shù

measure word | verb
: to bind; bunch; bundle; measure word for bunches, bundles
: beams of light etc.
: to control
: (Chinese surname)

Kun Reading

束 | たば taba

noun | noun suffix | counter
: bundle; bunch; sheaf

束 | つか tsuka

: strut; short vertical post
: thickness (of a book minus the cover, a sheaf of paper, etc.)
: (Archaism) handbreadth; bundle

束ね | たばね tabane

: bundle; control; management

束ねる | たばねる tabaneru OR つかねる tsukaneru

ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to tie up in a bundle (e.g. straw, hair, bills, letters); to bundle; to sheathe;
: to govern; to manage; to control; to administer

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束 | そく soku

noun | noun suffix
: (Mathematical term) lattice
: counter for large bundles (e.g. 10 sheafs of rice, 200 sheets of calligraphy paper, 20 whistling arrows, 100 fish)
: handbreadth (unit for measuring the length of arrows)

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選: to choose; to elect

By Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning

選 [选] xuǎn

: to choose; to pick; to select; to elect

Kun Reading

選る | よる yoru OR える eru OR すぐる tsuguru

godan verb with ru ending | transitive verb
: to choose; to select

選ぶ | えらぶ erabu

godan verb with bu ending | transitive verb
: to choose; to select

選り | より yori

: selecting; choosing

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選 | せん sen

noun | noun suffix
: selection; choice; choosing; picking; election

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造: to build; party to a lawsuit

By Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Music

造 zào

: to make; to build; to manufacture; to invent; to fabricate
: to go to
: to prepare
: party (in a lawsuit or legal agreement)
: crop; measure word for crops

Kun Reading

造る OR 作る | つくる tsukuru

godan verb with ru ending | transitive verb
: to make; to produce; to manufacture; to build; to construct
: to prepare (Food term) ; to brew (alcohol)
: to raise; to grow; to cultivate; to train
: to till
: to draw up (a document); to make out; to prepare; to write
: to create (an artistic work, etc.); to compose
: to coin (a phrase); to organize; to establish; to found
: to have (a child)
: to make up (one’s face, etc.)
: to fabricate (an excuse, etc.)
: to form (a line, etc.)
: to set (a record)
: to commit (a sin, etc.)

造り | つくり tsukuri

: make-up; structure; physique

造り | づくり zukuri

: making; forming; cultivating; growing
: form; appearance

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ゾウ zou

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緋: dark red

By Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning


緋 fēi

: dark red; purple silk

Kun Reading

緋 OR 朱 | あけ ake

: scarlet; red
: blood

緋 OR 赤 | あか aka

adjective | (outdated kanji 緋)
: red; crimson; scarlet
: red-containing color (e.g. brown, pink, orange)
: Red (i.e. communist)
: red light
: red ink (i.e. in finance or proof-reading); (in) the red

緋い OR 赤い | あかい akai

adjective | (outdated kanji 緋)
: red
: Red (i.e. communist)

On Reading

緋 | ひ hi

: scarlet; red
: blood

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