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龍: dragon

By Chinese Word, colors, Design, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Layout

龍 [龙] lóng

radical 212
: “dragon” radical in Chinese characters

: dragon; imperial; symbol of emperor; (Chinese surname)

Kun Reading

竜 (龍) | たつ tatsu

: dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon)​
: naga; semi-divine human-cobra chimera in Hindu and Buddhist mythology​
: promoted rook​ (shogi)

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竜 | リュウ ryuu or リョウ ryou or ロウ rou


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鼠: mouse

By Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning

鼠 shǔ

noun | radical 208
: rat; mouse

Kun Reading

鼠 | ねずみ nezumi
: mouse; rat
: dark gray; slate (color)
: Muroidea is a large superfamily of rodents. It includes hamsters, gerbils, true mice and rats, and many other relatives.

鼠 | ねず nezu

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=ソ so

=ショ sho

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撫: comfort; pacify

By Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning


撫 [抚] fǔ

: to comfort; to console
: to stroke; to caress; to pat
: to pacify
: an old term for province or provincial governor

Kun Reading

撫でる | なでる naderu

ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to brush gently; to stroke; to caress

撫する | ぶする busuru

suru verb – special class | transitive verb
: to stroke; to caress

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ブ bu、 フ fu

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俯: to look down

By Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning


俯 fǔ

: to look down; to stoop

Kun Reading

俯す | ふす fusu

su verb [precursor to the modern suru]
: to lower (one’s head, gaze, etc.)

俯せ OR うつ伏せ | うつぶせ utsubuse

noun | no-adjective
: lying on one’s face; upside-down

俯く | うつむく utsumuku

godan verb with ku ending
: to hang one’s head in shame; to look downward; to cast one’s eyes down

俯す | うつぶす utsubusu

godan verb with su ending
: to lie with one’s face on the ground;
: (Archaism) to lower (one’s head, gaze, etc.)

俯け | うつむけ utsumuke

: lying face down; upside down; prone

俯せる | うつぶせる utsubuseru

ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to lie face-down

伏せる | ふせる fuseru

ichidan verb | transitive verb
:to lay something upside down; to turn something over; to cover; to lay (pipes); to lay (an ambush); to hid

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フ fu

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府: prefecture; government

By Language-Learning


府 fǔ

: seat of government
: government repository (archive)
: official residence; mansion
: presidential palace
: (honorific) Your home
: prefecture (from Tang to Qing times)

Kun Reading
none applicable

On Reading

府 | ふ fu

: (metropolitan) prefecture (of Osaka and Kyoto)
: the center or seat (of) (center)
: (government) office

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附: to add; adhere to

By Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning


附 fù

: to add
: to attach; to be close to
: to be attached

Kun Reading

附す | ふす fusu

godan verb with su ending | transitive verb
: to affix; to append; to attach
: to entrust; to refer; to handle (as such)
: to follow (the leader)
: to submit (a document, etc.)

附ける OR 付ける | つける tsukeru

godan verb with su ending | transitive verb
: to attach; to join; to add; to append; to affix; to stick; to glue; to fasten; to sew on; to apply (ointment)
: to furnish (a house with)
: to wear; to put on
: to keep a diary; to make an entry
: to appraise; to set (a price)
: to bring alongside
: to place (under guard or doctor)
: to follow; to shadow
: to load; to give (courage to)
: to keep (an eye on)
: to establish (relations or understanding)
: to turn on (light)

附する | ふする fusuru

suru verb – special class | transitive verb
: to affix; to append; to attach
: to entrust; to refer; to handle (as such)
: to follow (the leader)
: to submit (a document, etc.)

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フ fu

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