作 zuò
(动) verb
: to do, make; grow; to write; to pretend; to feel
Kun Reading
作る | つくる tsukuru
godan verb with ru ending | transitive verb
: to make; produce; manufacture; build; construct;
: to prepare (food); brew (alcohol)
: to raise; grow; cultivate; train
: to till
: to draw up (a document); prepare; write
: to create (an artistic work, etc.); compose
: to coin (a phrase); organize; establish; found
: to have (a child)
: to make up (one’s face, etc.)
: to fabricate (an excuse, etc.)
: to form (a line, etc.)
: to set (a record)
: to commit (a sin, etc.)
作り | つくり tsukuri
: making; producing; building; appearance
お作り otsukuri
make-up; sashimi
作り | づくり zukuri
: making; forming; cultivating; growing
: form; appearance
On Reading
作 | さく saku
: a work; harvest