賞 [觉] jué
: to bestow (a reward); to give (to an inferior); to hand down; a reward (bestowed by a superior)
: to appreciate (beauty)
Kun Reading
賞 | ほめる homeru
ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to praise; to admire; to speak well
賞する | しょうする hyousuru
suru verb – special class | transitive verb
: comprehension; understanding
: (Buddhist term) enlightenment; satori
On Reading
賞 | しょう shou
: prize; award
覺 [觉] jué
: to feel; to find that; thinking; awake; aware; conscious
覺 [觉] jiào
: sleep; nap
Kun Reading
覚 | さとり satori
: a mythical being that can read minds
覚り | さとり satori
: comprehension; understanding
: (Buddhist term) enlightenment; satori
覚え | おぼえ oboe
: memory; sense; experience
覚る | さとる satoru
godan verb with ru ending | transitive verb
: to understand; to comprehend; to realize; to perceive; to sense; to discern
: to attain enlightenment
覚ます | さます samasu
godan verb with su ending | transitive verb
: to awaken
: to disabuse
: to sober up
覚める | さめる sameru
ichidan verb | intransitive verb
: to wake; to wake up
: to become sober; to sober up; to regain consciousness (e.g. after anaesthesia)
: to come to one’s senses; to be disillusioned
覚える | おぼえる oboeru
ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to memorize; to commit to memory; to learn by heart; to bear in mind; to remember
: to learn; to pick up; to acquire
: to feel
: to think; to regard
覚えず | おぼえず oboezu
: unconsciously; unknowingly; without thinking
On Reading
かく kaku
煙 [烟] yān
: smoke, soot; opium; tobacco; cigarettes
: mist; vapor
Kun Reading
煙 OR 烟 | けぶ kebu OR けむ kemu OR けぶり keburi OR けむり kemuri
: smoke; fumes
煙い OR 烟い | けぶい kebui OR けむい kemui
: smoky
煙る OR 烟る | けぶる keburu OR けむる kemuru
godan verb with ru ending | intransitive verb
: to smoke (e.g. fire)
: to be hazy
煙がる OR 烟がる | けぶがる kebugaru OR けむがる kemugaru
godan verb with ru ending | intransitive verb
: to be sensitive to smoke; to be uncomfortable because of smoke
煙たい OR 烟たい | けむたい kemutai
: smoky
: awkward; ill at ease
烟たがる | けぶたがる kebutagaru OR けむたがる kemutagaru
godan verb with ru ending | intransitive verb
: to be sensitive to smoke
: to dislike the company of (someone); to consider (someone) a burden or nuisance
On Reading
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