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湧: to bubble up

By June 20, 2016January 16th, 2017Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning


湧 [涌] yǒng

: to bubble up; to rush forth; well up; rise

涌 yǒng

variant of 湧

涌 chōng

: (used in place names)

Kun Reading

湧く OR 涌き | わく waku

godan verb with ku ending | intransitive verb
: to well (up); to gush forth (of water); to spring out; to surge
: to appear (esp. suddenly) (sweat, tears, etc.)
: to feel emotions form (joy, bravery, etc.)
: to hatch (esp. of parasitic insects, etc.)

湧き OR 涌く | わき waki

: welling (up); gushing forth (of water); springing out; surging
: appearing (esp. suddenly)
: frothing of water (due to an advancing school of fish)

On Reading

ユウ yuu
ヨウ you
ユ yu


湧現 [涌现] yong3xian4: to emerge in large numbers; to spring up; to emerge prominently
湧[涌]泉 yong3quan2: gushing spring
[湧泉 OR 涌泉 | ゆうせん yuusen: bubbling or gushing spring; fountain]
湧[涌]流 yong3liu2: to gush; to spurt
湧[涌]浪 yong3lang4: swell; billows; surging waves
[ゆうろう: fierce waves]
湧[涌]溢 yong3yi4: to well up; to spill out (of water from a spring)
洶湧 [汹涌] xiong1yong3: to surge up violently (of ocean, river, lake etc); turbulent
噴湧 [喷涌] pen1yong3: to bubble out; to squirt
泉湧[涌] quan2yong3: to gush
浪湧[涌] lang4yong3: (electrical) surge
潮湧[涌] chao2yong3: to surge like the tide
涌入 yong3ru4: to pour into
涌動[动] yong3dong4: to stir
涌出 yong3chu1: effuse [湧出 OR 涌出 | ゆうしゅつ yuushutsu OR ようしゅつ youshutsu: gushing out; welling up; springing up]
波濤洶涌 [波涛汹涌] bo1tao1 xiong1 yong3: waves surging forth; roaring sea
掀涌 xian1yong3: to seethe; to bubble up
暗涌 an4yong3: turbulence
葵涌 kui2chong1: Kwai Chung (area in Hong Kong); Kwai Cheong

Japanese common word | expression | idiom
湧水 | ゆうすい yuusui: spring; welling of water

湧き水 | わきみず wakimizu: spring water

男鰥に蛆が湧く | おとこやもめにうじがわく otoko yamome ni uji ga waku
: Widowers are untidy. A man alone soon goes to seed. A man goes to pieces without a woman to look after him

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
風起潮湧 [风起潮涌] feng1 qi3 chao2 yong3
: lit. wind rises, tide bubbles up; turbulent times; violent development

風起雲湧 [风起云涌] feng1 qi3 yun2 yong3
: lit. rising winds, scudding clouds; turbulent times; violent development


形声 Pictophonetic.
(shui3: water radical 85) suggests the meaning while
(yong3: brave) provides the sound.

形声 Pictophonetic.
(shui3: water radical 85) suggests the meaning while
(yong3: path | bucket) provides the sound.

Semantic / Historical variant:
涌 yong3

簡體 Simplified.
涌. Was a historical variant of 湧 which has been promoted to be its simplified form.

悀 yong3: to be angry; to like

Variant of 悀:
愑 yong3


かのじょのめにはなみだがわきあふれていた kanojo no meni wa namida ga waki afureteita
Her eyes gushed with tears.


ta1 de yan3 li yong3chu1 le lei4shui3
Her eyes gushed with tears.

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary