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體: body

By May 26, 2016June 22nd, 2017Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning


體 [体] tǐ

: body
: form; style
: system
: substance
: to experience
: aspect (linguistics)

Kun Reading

体 | からだ karada

noun | no-adjective
: body
: health

On Reading

体 | たい tai

noun | noun suffix
: body; physique; posture
: shape; form; style
: substance; identity; reality
: (Mathematical term) field; (Counter) counter for humanoid forms (e.g. dolls, statues, corpses, etc.)

体 | てい tei

: appearance; air; condition; state; form


體[体]育 ti3yu4: sports; physical education
[体育 | たいいく taiiku: physical education; gymnastics; athletics]
體[体]系 ti3xi4: system; setup
[体系 | たいけい taikei: system; organization; architecture]
體會 [体会] ti3hui4: to know from experience; to learn through experience; to realize; understanding; experience
體積 [体积] ti3ji1: volume; bulk
[体積 | たいせき taiseki: capacity; volume]
體[体]操 ti3cao1: gymnastic; gymnastics
[体操 | たいそう taisou: gymnastics; physical exercises; calisthenics]
[ラジオ体操 rajio taisou: radio calisthenics]
身體[体] shen1ti3: the body; one’s health; in person
[身体 | からだ karada OR しんたい shintai: body
: health]
全體[体] quan2ti3: all; entire
[全体 | ぜんたい zentai: whole; entirety; whatever (is the matter)]
具體[体] ju4ti3: concrete; definite; specific
[具体 | ぐたい kutai: concrete; tangible; material]
集體[体] ji2ti3: collective; social; team
個體 [个体] ge4ti3: individual
[個体 | こたい kotai: individual (living being)]
簡體字 [简体字] jian3ti3 zi: simplified Chinese character, as opposed to traditional Chinese character 繁体字
自體免疫疾病 [自体免疫疾病] zi4 ti3 mian3 yi4 ji2 bing4: autoimmune disease
[自己免疫不全 | じこめんえきふぜん jikomen ekifuzen: autoimmune disorder]

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom
體術 | たいじゅつ taijutsu: classical form of martial art

一心同体 | いっしんどうたい isshin doutai
: (yoji) being one in body and soul; of one flesh; two hearts beating as one

一体全体 | いったいぜんたい ittai zentai
: (yoji) … the heck (e.g. “what the heck?”); … in the world (e.g. “why in the world?”); … on earth (e.g. “who on earth?”)

渾然一体 | こんぜんいったい konzen ittai
: (yoji) in complete harmony

異体同心 | いたいどうしん itai doushin
: (yoji) being of one mind; acting in one accord; behaving in perfect harmony

職住一体 | しょくじゅういったい shokujuu ittai
: (yoji) having one’s workplace at home; living and working at the same location (independent farmers, home workers, storekeepers, etc.)

這々の体 | ほうほうのてい houhou notei
: scuttling (to escape in a panic, in shame, etc.); scurrying; scrambling

ご満悦の体 | ごまんえつのてい gomanetsu no tei
: looking satisfied; looking very pleased

益体もない | やくたいもない yakutai monai
: useless; worthless; absurd; baloney

身体で覚える | からだでおぼえる karada de oboeru
: to master something (through personal experience)

体が強い | からだがつよい karada ga tsuyoi
: in good health; having a strong constitution

体に障る | からだにさわる karada ni sawaru
: to be bad for health; to affect one’s health

体を壊す | からだをこわす karada o kowasu
: to harm one’s health

体を惜しむ | からだをおしむ karada o oshimu
: to be lazy

健全なる精神は健全なる身体に宿る | けんぜんなるせいしんはけんぜんなるしんたいにやどる
kenzen naru seishin wa kenzen naru shintai ni yadoru
: A sound mind in a sound body

幽霊の正体見たり枯れ尾花 | ゆうれいのしょうたいみたりかれおばな
yuurei no shoutai mitari kare obana
: lit. the ghost, when examined closely, was withered silver grass. fig. if you look carefully, it’s more ordinary than it appears.

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
不識大體 [不识大体] bu4 shi2 da4 ti3
: unable to see the larger issue; unaware of the general interest

成何體統 [成何体统] cheng2 he2 ti3 tong3
: What a scandal! How unbecoming!

身體力行 [身体力行] shen1 ti3 li4 xing2
: to practice what one preaches

茲事體大 [兹事体大] zi1 shi4 ti3 da4
: this is no small thing; to have a serious matter at hand

體貼入微 [体贴入微] ti3 tie1 ru4 wei1
: to show every possible consideration; meticulous care

量體裁衣 [量体裁衣] liang2 ti3 cai2 yi1
: lit. measure the body then tailor the suit; fig. to act according to actual circumstances. To live within one’s means.
看菜吃飯,量體裁衣 [看菜吃饭,量体裁衣] kan1 cai4 chi1 fan4 , liang2 ti3 cai2 yi1
: eat depending on the dish, cut cloth according to the body; to fit the appetite to the dishes and the dress to the figure; to act according to actual circumstances; to live within one’s means

四體不勤,五穀不分 [四体不勤,五谷不分] si4 ti3 bu4 qin2 , wu3 gu3 bu4 fen1
: lit. four limbs that never move and can’t distinguish the five crops. Living as a parasite. Not diligent; neither hardworking, nor discerning

形声 Pictophonetic.
骨 (gu3: bone radical 188) suggests the meaning while
(li3: dish | feng1: abundant) provides the sound.


簡體 Simplified.
体. Created as unique simplification #244 (體 » 体) via creation of new character form.


xiu1: rest; to stop doing something for a period of time; to cease; (imperative) don’t;
[kun: やすみ yasumi, やすむ yasumu, やすめ yasume, やすまる yasumaru, やすめる yasumeru. on: キュウ kyuu]


たいいくはひっしゅうかもくですか taiiku wa hisshuu kamoku desuka
Is physical education a required course?

ta1 meng4xiang3 zhe guo4 ti3mian4 de sheng1huo2
He dreamed of living in decent conditions.

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary