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歲: year

By September 18, 2014January 16th, 2017Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Music

歲 [岁] suì

measure word
: harvest; year; years old

Kun Reading

歳 | とし toshi

: many years
: ~ age
: ~ past one’s prime; old age

On Reading

歳 | さい sai

: -years-old


歲數[岁数] sui4shu: age (number of years old)
歲[岁]月 sui4yue4: years; time [歳月 | としつき toshitsuki]
歲[岁]修 sui4xiu1: start of the year
歲[岁]俸 sui4feng4: annual salary
歲[岁]入 sui4ru4: annual revenue; annual income
[歳入 | さいにゅう sainyuu]
萬歲[万岁] wan4sui4: Long live (the king, the revolution etc)!; Your Majesty; His Majesty
[萬歳 | まんざい manzai: door to door comedic duo]

万歳 | ばんざい banzai: crying “banzai” (or raising one’s hands in the banzai gesture)
: something worthy of celebration
: celebratory cheer; hooray

太歲[岁] tai4sui4: Tai Sui, God of the year; archaic name for the planet Jupiter 木星 Mu4xing1; nickname for sb who is the most powerful in an area
[太歳 | たいさい taisai: Taisai; one of the eight gods of the koyomi
: (archaism) Jupiter (planet)]
[大歳 | たいさい taisai OR おおどし oodoshi OR おおとし ootoshi: Taisai; one of the eight gods of the koyomi
: (archaism) Jupiter (planet)
: (archaism) New Year’s Eve; December 31st]
幾歲 [几岁] ji3sui4: some years; How many years?; How old are you?
[何歳 | なんさい nansai: how old?]
賀歲 [贺岁] he4sui4: to extend New Year’s greetings; to pay a New Year’s visit

Japanese expression / idiom
歳を追う | としをおう toshi o ou
: as one gets on in their years; as the years pass; year after year

歳を取る | としをとる toshi o toru
: to grow old; to age

歳月人を待たず | さいげつひとをまたず saigetsu hito o matazu
: Time waits for no-one; Time and tide stay for no man

歳月流るる如し | さいげつながるるごとし saigetsu nagaru rugotoshi
: Time flies

Chinese idiom
歲不我與 [岁不我与] sui4 bu4 wo3 yu3
: May you have peace year after year (New Year’s greeting)

日久歲深 [日久岁深] ri4 jiu3 sui4 shen1
: to last for an eternity

会意 Associative Compound.
Two footprints , while
xu1: 11th earthly branch gives the sound.

簡體 Simplified.
岁. Created as generic character simplification #103 (歲 » 岁) via creation of new character form.

Japanese Variant: 歳 sui4

Semantic / Historical Variant: 亗 sui4: harvest; year; age

可爱萬歲 – S.H.E


和宠物谈心 陪玩具入睡 偶尔单纯 有什么不对
就算带刺玫瑰 也需要些甜味 太过高贵 就失掉趣味

如果可爱也有专柜(敬请消费 属于妳的不要白白浪费)
娇媚到让月亮惭愧(请归队 不管妳是几岁)

可以冷艳聪慧 也能可爱甜美 我担纲巡回 人生这舞会
偶尔天真无邪 心事纯白如雪 没有人会不配 让世界谄媚
(没有人不配 让世界谄媚 可爱到万岁 比饼干清脆)
(没有人不配 让世界赞美 没有人理会 现在是几岁)

用一撮流星 串一条项链 就算长大 幻想不会变
用外套的纤维 织成一座堡垒 翻个跟斗 时空就后退

如果有人觉得反胃(多谢收看 并且请你高抬你的贵嘴)
可爱是年华的圣水(谁都配 被人想入非非)

亲爱的姊妹 一直模仿谁 连六亲都不认得妳是谁
不如脱下糖衣 做自己 返璞归真才是最美
我的姊妹 一心想做巾帼须眉也许太累
吐吐舌头做做鬼脸 赤子之心 才最难能可贵

偶尔返老还童 也是一种代谢 没人学不会 美丽的智慧
谢谢上天恩惠 谢谢你的恭维 没有人会不配 你受之无愧
(谢谢老天爷 谢谢你恭维 可爱万万岁 你受之无愧)
(谢谢我栽培 谢谢你奉陪 没有人不配 没有人不会)

credit: S.H.E.

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary