花 huā
noun | adjective | verb
: flower; blossom
: fancy pattern; florid
: to spend (money, time)
化 huā
: variant of 花 – flower
Kun Reading
花 | はな hana
: flower; blossom; bloom; petal
: blooming (esp. of cherry blossoms); cherry blossom
: ikebana (生け花: living flowers) is the Japanese art of flower arrangement, also known as kadō (華道: way of flowers).
: (Abbreviation) Japanese playing cards
: beauty
: (the) best
On Reading
カ ka
ケ ke
雪 xǔe
: snow; snowfall
: to have the appearance of snow; pure
: to wipe away, off or out
: to clean
雪 | ゆき yuki
: snow
雪ぐ OR 濯ぐ | すすぐ susugu OR そそぐ sosogu OR ゆすぐ yusugu
godan verb with gu ending | transitive verb
: to rinse; to wash out
: to have one’s revenge; to wipe out a disgrace
セツ setsu
靜 [静] jìng
: still; calm; quiet
: unmoving; motionless
Kun Reading
静か | しずか shizuka
: quiet; peaceful
静けさ | しずけさ shizukesa
: stillness; silence; hush; calm; serenity
静まる | しずまる shizumaru
godan verb with ru ending | intransitive verb
: to quieten down; to calm down; to subside; to die down; to abate; to be suppressed
静かに | しずかに shizukani
adverb | expression
: calmly; quietly; gently; peacefully
: be quiet!
静める | しずめる shizumeru
ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to appease; to suppress; to calm
静ひつ | せいひつ seihitsu
na-adjective | noun
: peacefulness; tranquility
On Reading
セイ sei
ジョウ jou
曲 qū
: crooked; bent; twisted
: wrong; false
曲 qǔ
measure word
: tune; song
曲 | くせ kuse
: (Usually written using kana alone) long segment of a noh play forming its musical highlight; (Noun prefix) wrong; improper; indecent
曲 | くま kuma
godan verb with su ending | transitive verb
: corner; nook; recess
: a shadow; a shade
曲 | まが maga
: wickedness; evil; calamity; disaster
曲る | まがる magaru
godan verb with ru ending | intransitive verb
: to bend; to curve; to warp; to wind; to twist
: to turn
: to be awry; to be askew; to be crooked
曲げ | まがり magari
: curvature; warp; bend
曲がった | まがった magatta
: bent; curved; warped; winded; twisted
: awry; askew; crooked
曲げ | まげ mage
: flexure; bending
曲げ | まげる mageru
ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to bend; to crook; to lean; to yield (a point); to depart (from a principle)
曲 | きょく kyoku
noun | noun suffix
: tune; piece of music

水 shuǐ
noun | radical 85
: water
: river; liquid; beverage
: additional charges or income
: (of clothes) measure word for number of washes
みず mizu
: water (esp. cool, fresh water, e.g. drinking water)
: fluid (esp. in an animal tissue); liquid
: flood; floodwaters
: water offered to sumo wrestlers just prior to a bout
: break granted to sumo wrestlers engaged in a prolonged bout
すい sui
: (Abbreviation) Wednesday;
: shaved ice (served with flavored syrup)
: water (fifth of the five elements)
明 míng
: bright; light; brilliant; clear
Kun Reading
さや saya
: (Archaism) clearly; brightly
: cleanly; purely
OR さやか sayaka
: clear; fresh; bright
みん min
: Ming (dynasty of China, 1368-1644)
あき aki
: space; room; emptiness; gap
: opening; vacancy; empty seat
: free time; time to spare
: disuse; unused thing
あく aku
Godan verb with ku ending | intransitive verb
: to open (e.g. doors)
: to open (e.g. business)
: to be empty;
: to be vacant; to be available; to be free
: to be open (e.g. neckline)
: to have been opened (of one’s eyes, mouth)
: to come to an end;
: to open (one’s eyes, mouth)
: to have a hole; to form a gap; to have an interval (between events)
あかる akaru
Godan verb with ru ending | intransitive verb
: to become bright; to become clear
あける akeru
Ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to open (a door, etc.); to unwrap (e.g. parcel, package)
: to open (for business)
: to empty; to clear out; to make space; to make room
: to dawn; to grow light
: to end
あけ ake
Temporal noun | No-adjective
: dawn; daybreak
: end; soon after something has ended
: beginning (of a new year, month)
あかり akari
: light; illumination; glow; gleam
: lamp; light
あかし akashi
: light (esp. as a religious offering); lamp
On Reading
めい mei
: clarity; acumen
: power of vision
みょう myou
: (buddhist term) vidya (wisdom)
: mantra; (Prefix) the coming (4th of July)