1. Choose a typeface for body text
2. Avoid more than 2 typefaces
3. Balance line space and font size
4. Line length 45-90 characters
5. Modular scale
6. Punctuation
• curly quotes: Option + [ for opening quotes
– Option + Shift + [ for closing quotes.
• en dash (–): Option + Hyphen
– em dash (—): Option + Shift + the Hyphen Key
credit source: thedesignteam.io | Pablo Stanley
In search of new, exciting and best of all, FREE, handwritten fonts? How about these scribbles?

San serif fonts are one of my favorite go-to fonts when designing because of its clean lines and simplicity. This in turn allows the design it accompanies to shine through instead of overpowering it. Here are a few new san serif fonts that are worth looking into and adding to your font vault. What’s more, these are FREE fonts, and we know nothing beats FREE!
nb: One solid font family – Nanami – on sale too

Chalkboard-style fonts these days are anything but boring. They are a fun way to show off your latest designs and are really taking the Pinterest world by storm. The fonts add authenticity to the hand-written style for back-to-school/educational designs or anything for that matter!
Here are some FREE Chalkboard fonts to kickstart your design doldrums and the new year back in school.