試 [试] shì
: style, system, type
: form; pattern
: formula, rule
Kun Reading
試し | ためし tameshi
: trial; test
試す | ためす tamesu
godan verb with su ending | transitive verb
: to attempt; to test; to try out
試み | こころみ kokoromi
: trial; experiment
試みる | こころみる kokoromiru
ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to try; to test
On Reading
シ shi
熄 xī
: to extinguish; to put out (fire); to quash
: to quench; to stop burning
: to go out (of fire, lamp etc)
: to come to an end; to wither away; to die out
Kun Reading
none applicable
消える | きえる kieru
ichidan verb | intransitive verb
: to go out; to vanish; to disappear
止む | やむ yamu
godan verb with mu ending | intransitive verb
: to cease; to stop; to be over
On Reading
ソク soku
息 xī
: to breath
: to rest
: news
: interest (on an investment or loan)
: to cease; to stop
Kun Reading
息 | いき iki
: breath; breathing
: tone; mood
息む | いきむ ikimu
godan verb with mu ending | intransitive verb
: to strain (e.g. with constipation)
: to bear or push down (during childbirth)
息せき | いきせき ikiseki
: pant; gasp
息つく | いきつく ikitsuku
godan verb with ku ending
: to take a breath; to take a short rest
息づく | いきづく ikizuku
godan verb with ku ending
: to breathe (heavily); to pant; to gasp; to sigh
: to live
息づまる | いきづまる ikizumaru
godan verb with ku ending
: to be breathtaking; to be stifling
On Reading
ソク soku
: [息 | そく soku: (Humble (kenjougo) language / ou-dated) son]
體 [体] tǐ
: body
: form; style
: system
: substance
: to experience
: aspect (linguistics)
Kun Reading
体 | からだ karada
noun | no-adjective
: body
: health
On Reading
体 | たい tai
noun | noun suffix
: body; physique; posture
: shape; form; style
: substance; identity; reality
: (Mathematical term) field; (Counter) counter for humanoid forms (e.g. dolls, statues, corpses, etc.)
体 | てい tei
: appearance; air; condition; state; form