輪 [轮] lún
: wheel; disk; ring; steamship
: to take turns; to rotate; by turn
: revolve; recur
: measure word for big round objects: disk, or recurring events: round, turn
Kun Reading
輪 | わ wa
: ring; circle; loop
: hoop
: wheel
: circle (e.g. of friends)
On Reading
輪 | りん rin
: counter for wheels and flowers
輪[轮]船 lun2chuan2: steamship; steamer; ocean liner; ship
[汽船 | きせん kisen: steamship; steamboat; steamer]
輪[轮]流 lun2liu2: to alternate; to take turns
輪[轮]子 lun2zi: wheel [輪子 | りゅうご ryuugo: hourglass-shaped object
: sarugaku performance art using such an object]
輪[轮]廓 lun2kuo4: an outline; silhouette
[輪廓 | りんかく rinkaku: contour; outline; border; silhouette
: summary; outline; sketch
: looks; features; appearance]
輪[轮]胎 lun2tai1: tire; pneumatic tire
輪[轮]姦 lun2jian1: to gang rape
[輪姦 | りんかん rinkan OR まわす mawasu: to gang-rape]
法輪[轮] fa3lun2: the Eternal Wheel of life in Buddhism
[法輪 | ほうりん hourin: the teachings of Buddha (as likened to the Dharmachakra, originally a wheel-like weapon used to destroy the evils of mankind); Buddhist doctrine]
二輪[轮] er4lun2: second round (of a match or election)
[二輪 | にりん nirin: two wheels; two flowers]
首輪[轮] shou3lun2: first round (of a competition etc)
[首輪 | くびわ kubiwa: necklace; choker]
一輪[轮] yi1lun2: first round or stage (of a match, election, talks, planned policy etc)
[一輪 | いちりん ichirin: one flower
: one wheel]
全輪[轮] quan2lun2: front wheel
Chinese personality

photo credit: crunchyroll
Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom
五輪大会 | ごりんたいかい gorin taikai: Olympic Games
五輪聖火 | ごりんせいか gorin seika: Olympic torch
流転輪廻 | るてんりんね ruten rinne
生死輪廻 | せいしりんね seishi rinne
転生輪廻 | てんしょうりんね tenshou rinne
: (yoji) all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth; the circle of transmigration
金輪奈落 | こんりんならく konrin naraku
: (yoji) utmost limits; to the finish; to the (bitter) end; to the hilt; down to the bedrock
輪を掛ける | わをかける wa o kakeru
: to exceed; to be even more (so); to exaggerate
車輪の再発明 | しゃりんのさいはつめい sharin no saihatsumei
: reinventing the wheel
Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
美輪美奐 [美轮美奂] mei3 lun2 mei3 huan4
: splendid and magnificent houses; a sumptuous mansion
風水輪流轉 [风水轮流转] feng1 shui3 lun2 liu2 zhuan4
: fortunes rise and fall; times change
形声 Pictophonetic.
車 (che2: cart; vehicle radical ) suggests the meaning while
侖 (lun2: logical reasons; to arrange) provides the sound.
Historical variant:
簡體 Simplified.
轮. Derived from generic character simplification rule #14 (車 » 车) via usage of grass script form of character. Derived from generic character simplification rule #71 (侖 » 仑) via usage of grass script form of character.
かれらはうちわげんかをはじめた karera wa uchiwa genka o hajimeta
They began to quarrel among themselves.
摩天輪 Ferris Wheel – HEBE 田馥甄
坐摩天輪 送你一程 慢慢升高 心慢慢冷
趁著機身 滑過雲層 願你收到 我留的吻
離別氣氛 往往會拉長淚痕
怕我鬱悶 打起十二分精神
僵硬的唇 是逞強的後遺症
不想誰 看見你淚在翻滾
心真的疼 目送著我愛的人
難捨難分 卻隔一道玻璃門
轉身飛奔 到常去的遊樂城
在空中 才道別能不能
坐摩天輪 送你一程 慢慢升高 心慢慢冷
從此每當 我對你的想念太難忍
坐摩天輪 心會平穩(滿天星辰 會陪我等)
看摩天輪 像不像時間齒輪
轉了一圈 又到了什麼月份
每張票根 壓在枕頭下加溫
霓虹燈 溫暖等待的人
credit: HEBE 田馥甄