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因: cause

By August 11, 2014December 1st, 2016Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Music

因 yīn

: cause; because; reason

Kun Reading

因 | よすが yosuga

: something to rely on; aid; clue; way; means
: someone to rely on; relative
: reminder; memento

因る | よる yoru

godan verb with ru ending | intransitive verb
: (Usually written using kana alone) to be due to; to be caused by
: to depend on; to turn on
: to be based on; to come from

因む | ちなむ chinamu

godan verb with mu ending | intransitive verb
: to be associated (with); to be connected (with)

因みに | ちなみに chinamini

godan verb with mu ending | intransitive verb
: (Usually written using kana alone) by the way; in this connection; incidentally; in passing

因って | よって yotte

: (Usually written using kana alone) therefore; consequently; accordingly; because of

On Reading

因 | いん in

: cause; factor
: (Buddhist term) hetu (direct cause, esp. as opposed to indirect conditions)
: the basis of one’s argument (in hetuvidya)


為[为] yin1wei4: because; owing to; on account of
因此 yin1ci3: thus; consequently; as a result
因素 yin1su4: element; factor
因而 yin1’er2: therefore; as a result; thus; and as a result
因果 yin1guo3: karma; cause & effect [いんが inga]
因緣[缘] yin1yuan2: chance; opportunity; predestined relationship; (Buddhist) principal and secondary causes; chain of cause and effect
[因縁 | いんねん innen OR いんえん inen: fate; destiny
: connection; tie; bond; origin
: pretext; justification
: (Buddhist term) hetu and prataya (direct causes and indirect conditions, which underlie the actions of all things)]
原因 yuan2yin1: cause; origin; root cause; reason
[げんいん genin]
死因 si3 yin1: cause of death
[しいん shiin]
主因 zhu3yin1: main reason
[しゅいん shuin: primary cause; main factor]
因父之名 yin1 fu4 zhi1 ming2: in the Name of the Father (in Christian worship)

Japanese common word / expression
因をなす | いんをなす in o nasu
: to give rise to; to cause

因果応報 | いんがおうほう inga ouhou
: retribution; retributive justice; karma; just deserts; poetic justice; reward and punishment for one’s past behavior

因果因縁 | いんがいんねん inga innen
: cause and effect; karma; retribution; an evil cause producing an evil effect

悪因悪果 | あくいんあっか akuin akka: sowing and reaping evil

親の因果が子に報う | おやのいんががこにむくう oya no inga ga ko ni mukuu
: The father’s sins will be visited upon the children

Chinese expression / idiom
因孕而婚 yin1 yun4 er2 hun1
: shotgun wedding

因材施教 yin1 cai2 shi1 jiao4
: to teach in line with the student’s ability

空穴來風未必無因 [空穴来风未必无因] kong4 xue2 lai2 feng1 wei4 bi4 wu2 yin1
: wind does not come from an empty cave without reason; there’s no smoke without fire

会意 Associative Compound.
Person 大 (da4: big) lying on
a mat 囗 (wei2: erect; proud)

假借 Phonetic Loan.
Original form of 茵 (yin1: a cushion; mattress)

Variant: 囙 yin1

kun4: to surround; besiege; difficult
[komaru, kurushimu. on: kon]


因你而在 – JJ Lin 林俊杰

编曲:Kenn C

我为你心跳 我为你祈祷
因为你开始燃烧 痛才慢慢治疗
我要和你拥抱 牵你的手一起去奔跑
你存在的这一秒 会不会是我依靠

给我的微笑 全都记在脑海了
节奏在跳跃 这是恋爱的预兆
天亮才睡觉 让我思绪都颠倒
防备全关掉 只许你无理取闹


我为你心跳 我为你祈祷
因为你开始燃烧 痛才慢慢治疗
我要和你拥抱 牵你的手一起去奔跑
你存在的这一秒 会不会是我依靠

给我的微笑 全都记在脑海了
节奏在跳跃 这是恋爱的预兆
天亮才睡觉 让我思绪都颠倒
防备全关掉 只许你无理取闹

一天一天为你开窍 一秒一秒想你的微笑

我为你心跳 我为你祈祷
因为你开始燃烧 痛才慢慢治疗
我要和你拥抱 牵你的手一起去奔跑
你存在的这一秒 会不会是我依靠

Baby you’re my one and only yeah~you and me
Baby you’re my one and only yeah~you and me
Baby you’re my one and only yeah~you and me
Baby you’re my one and only yeah~you and me

credit: JJ Lin 林俊杰

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary