The Hakka 客家 (lit. guest families) ancestors, a subgroup of Han Chinese, are said to have migrated from the north of China to today’s central China a thousand years ago: from the Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC) until the Qing Dynasty (17th century). After the power struggle with the Ming court was eliminated, Kangxi Emperor (1654-1722) issued a royal edict to repopulate the coastal areas, by incentivizing the move with money. The newcomers moving south were registered as “Guest Families” 客戶 kèhù. Through the series of migrations, the Hakka settled in their present locations in southern (ports) China and often used that as a springboard to emigrate throughout the world.
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impetus \M-puh-tus\ verb
: a: a driving force : impulse
b: incentive, stimulus
c: stimulation or encouragement resulting in increased activity
: the property possessed by a moving body in virtue of its mass and its motion — used of bodies moving suddenly or violently to indicate the origin and intensity of the motion
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![黑[黒] hei1: black; dark [くろkuro; くろいkuroi]](
黑 hēi
noun | adjective | radical 203
: black; dark
: sinister; secret; shady; illegal
: (loanword) to hack (computing)
Kun Reading
黒 | くろ kuro
: black
: dark
: (Usually written using kana alone) (Manga slang) bad guy; ‘black hat’
黒い | くろい kuroi
: black
: dark
: illicit; wicked; underground
黒み | くろみ kuromi
: black tinge; black color
: (Archaism) black part; dark spot
On Reading
こく koku
![紅[红] hong2: red; crimson; popular [べに beni; あか aka; あかい akai; こう kou]](
紅 [红] hong2
noun | adjective
Kun Reading
紅 | べに beni
: deep red; crimson
: rouge; lipstick
紅 | あか aka
: red; crimson; scarlet
: red-containing color (e.g. brown, pink, orange)
: (Colloquialism) Red (i.e. communist)
: (Abbreviation) red light
: (Abbreviation) red ink (i.e. in finance or proof-reading); (in) the red; () complete; total; perfect; obvious
紅 | あかい akai
: red
: Red (i.e. communist)
On Reading
紅 | こう kou
: deep red; crimson
![赤chi4: red/scarlet; bare [あかaka; あかいakai]](
赤 chi4
noun | radical 155
Kun Reading
赤 | あか aka
: red; crimson; scarlet
: red-containing color (e.g. brown, pink, orange)
: (Colloquialism) Red (i.e. communist)
: (Abbreviation) red light
: (Abbreviation) red ink (i.e. in finance or proof-reading); (in) the red; () complete; total; perfect; obvious
赤い | あかい akai
: red
: Red (i.e. communist)
赤み | あかみ akami
noun | no-adjective
: reddish tinge; tinge of red; slight redness; blush
On Reading
せき seki; しゃく shaku
: red/scarlet; communist; bare