當 [当] dāng
verb | preposition
: to be; to act as
: manage; withstand
: when; during
: ought; should
: match equally; equal; same
: obstruct
: just at (a time or place); on the spot; right; just at
噹 [当] dāng
: dong; ding dong (bell)
當 [当] dàng
adjective | verb
: at or in the very same…
: suitable; adequate; fitting; proper
: to replace; to regard as; to think
: to pawn
: (coll.) to fail (a student)
Kun Reading
当て | あて ate
: aim; object; purpose; end
: expectations; prospects; hopes
: something that can be relied upon
: (Noun suffix) pad; guard
: blow; strike
当り | あたり atari
: hit
: success
: guess; prediction
: affability; friendliness
: sensation; touch
: bruise (on fruit)
: situation in which a stone or chain of stones may be captured on the next move (in the game of go)
: bite (of a fish on a hook); strike
: (Suffix) per; each
当り | とうの touno
pre-noun adjectival
: the … in question
当る | あたる ataru
godan verb with ru | intransitive verb
: to be hit; to strike
: to touch; to be in contact; to be affixed
: to be equivalent to; to be applicable; to apply to
: to be right on the money (of a prediction, criticism, etc.)
: to be selected (in a lottery, etc.); to win
: to be successful; to go well; to be a hit
: to face; to confront
: to lie (in the direction of)
: to undertake; to be assigned
: to be stricken (by food poisoning, heat, etc.); to be afflicted
: to be called upon (by the teacher)
: to treat (esp. harshly); to lash out at
: to be unnecessary
: (in baseball) to be hitting well; to be on a hitting streak
: (in fishing) to feel a bite
: (of fruit, etc.) to be bruised; to spoil
: () to feel (something) out; to probe into; to check (i.e. by comparison)
: to shave
当てる | あてる ateru
ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to hit
: to expose
: to apply (e.g. patch)
: to allot; to call on someone (e.g. in class)
: to guess (an answer)
: to make a hit (e.g. in a lottery)
On Reading
当 | とう tou
: this (business organization or place)
硬 yìng
adjective | adverb
: hard; stiff; firm; strong; obstinate; resolutely; doggedly; good (quality); able (person)
Kun Reading
硬い | かたい katai
: hard; solid; tough
: stiff; tight; wooden; unpolished (e.g. writing)
: strong; firm (not viscous or easily moved)
: safe; steady; honest; steadfast
: obstinate; stubborn
: bookish; formal; stuffy
硬さ | かたさ katasa
: firmness; hardness; stiffness; honesty
硬 | こたえる kotaeru
ichidan verb | intransitive verb
: to respond; to live up to; to reward
: to take its toll; to strike home; to have an effect on; to be hard on someone (e.g. heat, cold, work, illness, etc.); to be a strain
On Reading
硬 | こう kou
: hardness
應 [应] yīng
verb | preposition | adverb
: should; ought to; must; (legal) shall
: to agree (to do something)
應 [应] yìng
: to respond; to answer
: to comply with; to deal or cope with
Kun Reading
応え | いらえ irae
: response; reply; answer; solution
応え | こたえ kotae
: response; reply; answer; solution
応える | こたえる kotaeru
ichidan verb | intransitive verb
: to respond; to live up to; to reward
: to take its toll; to strike home; to have an effect on; to be hard on someone (e.g. heat, cold, work, illness, etc.); to be a strain
応じる | おうじる oujiru
ichidan verb | intransitive verb
: to respond; to satisfy; to accept; to comply with; to apply for
応ずる | おうずる ouzuru
zuru verb | intransitive verb
: to answer; to respond; to meet
: to satisfy; to accept
On Reading
応 | おう ou
: agreement; affirmative
: (Interjection) aye; yes; OK; okay; yeah; all right
萍 píng
: duckweed (or water lens, are flowering aquatic plants which float on or just beneath the surface of still or slow-moving bodies of fresh water and wetlands)
Kun Reading
萍 | うきくさ ukikusa
: floating weed
: (Usually written using kana alone) greater duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza); (No-adjective) precarious; unstable
On Reading
none applicable