商 shāng
: commerce, business, trade
: merchant; dealer
: to consult
: quotient
: 2nd note in pentatonic scale
: the Shang dynasty, 16th to 11th century BC
Kun Reading
商い | あきない akinai
: trade; business; trading; dealing
商う | あきなう akinau
godan verb with u ending | transitive verb
: to trade in (commercial goods); to deal in; to sell
On Reading
商 | しょう shou
noun | noun suffix
: (Mathematical term) quotient
: dealing; dealer; store
: second degree (of the Japanese & Chinese pentatonic scale)
: Shang (dynasty of China)
糊 hú
: muddled; paste; scorched
䊀 [糊] hú
: (variant of 糊) paste; to paste, sticky; glutinous, to stick
餬 [糊] hú
: congee; porridge; making a living
餬 [糊] hù
: paste; cream
Kun Reading
糊 | のり nori
: paste; glue; starch
糊する | のりする nori suru
suru verb – special class | intransitive verb
: to paste; to stick something with paste
: to earn a living
餬 | かゆ kayu
: rice broth
On Reading
コ ko
ゴ go
胡 hú
noun | adverb
: non-Han people, esp. from central Asia; Tartars; Mongols
: reckless; outrageous; foolish
: what? why?
: to complete a winning hand at mahjong (also written 和)
衚 [胡] hú
: lane; alley
鬍 [胡] hú
: beard; mustache; whiskers
Kun Reading
none applicable
髯 | ひげ hige
: mustache; beard; whiskers
: extremely short pulse appearing on an electrical signal
On Reading
胡 | こ ko
: barbarian tribes surrounding ancient China
ゴ go
靜 [静] jìng
: still; calm; quiet
: unmoving; motionless
Kun Reading
静か | しずか shizuka
: quiet; peaceful
静けさ | しずけさ shizukesa
: stillness; silence; hush; calm; serenity
静まる | しずまる shizumaru
godan verb with ru ending | intransitive verb
: to quieten down; to calm down; to subside; to die down; to abate; to be suppressed
静かに | しずかに shizukani
adverb | expression
: calmly; quietly; gently; peacefully
: be quiet!
静める | しずめる shizumeru
ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to appease; to suppress; to calm
静ひつ | せいひつ seihitsu
na-adjective | noun
: peacefulness; tranquility
On Reading
セイ sei
ジョウ jou
淨 [挣] jìng
: clean; pure
: completely; only
: net (income, exports etc)
: (Chinese opera) painted face male role
Kun Reading
浄い | きよい kiyoi
: clear; pure; noble
: Manchu Dynasty
浄め | きよめ kiyome
: purification
浄める | きよめる kiyomeru
ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to purify; to cleanse; to exorcise
On Reading
ジョウ jou
セイ sei