先 xiān
: first
: former, previous
Kun Reading
先 | さき saki
noun | no-adjective | noun suffix | prefix
: previous; prior; former; some time ago; preceding
: point (e.g. pencil); tip; end; nozzle
: head (of a line); front
: ahead; the other side
: the future; hereafter
: destination
: the other party
先に | さきに sakini
adverb | noun
: before; earlier than; ahead; beyond; away; previously; recently
先んじる | さきんじる sakinjiru
ichidan verb | intransitive verb
: to precede; to forestall; to anticipate
先 | まず mazu
: (Usually written using kana alone) first (of all); to start with; about; almost; anyway; well; now
: hardly (with neg. verb)
On Reading
先 | せん sen
no-adjective | noun
: former; previous; old
: first move (in go, shogi, etc.); opening move
數 [数] shù
: number; figure; several
數 [数] shǔ
: to enumerate; to count
: to criticize (i.e. enumerate shortcomings)
數 [数] shuò
: frequently; repeatedly
Kun Reading
数 | かず kazu
: number; amount
数 | かぞえ kazoe
: old manner of reckoning one’s age, newborns being considered a year old, with everyone adding one year to their age at New Year’s
数 | しばしば shibashiba
: often; again and again; frequently
数える | かぞえる kazoeru
ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to count; to enumerate
On Reading
数 | すう suu
: several; a number of;
: (noun) number; numeral; figure;
: destiny; fate;
: law
籤 [签] qiān
: inscribed bamboo stick (used in divination, gambling, drawing lots etc)
: small wood sliver
: label; tag
Kun Reading
籤 | くじ kuji
: lottery; lot
籤 | ひご higo
: (usually written using kana only) thin strip of bamboo
On Reading
籤 |せん sen
: slip (of paper);
: tag (usu. bamboo, wood, ivory, etc.); label