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Food for thought

Design Facts

By Design, Food for thought

01. In the early 1970s, it was President Richard Nixon who promoted the Federal Design Improvement program, which was an initiative meant to upgrade federal design.

In a May 1971 memo, President Nixon directed the heads of all federal departments and agencies to consider how the arts and artists might “be of help to your agency and to its programs.” The overwhelming response was that the federal government needed better offices and better graphics.

Ultimately, more than 45 government agencies, including the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the U.S. Postal Service, revamped their graphics under this mandate.

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Packaging: Herbs

By Design, Food for thought, Layout

“…Specific Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicines have been created to heal particular organs in order to nurse the entire body to a good level of health. Thus by having 12 types of herbal medicine teas to heal the organs corresponding with organ operating time within the 12* divisions of the day, consumers would be nourished and achieve maximum health.”

*According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, 24 hours is divided into 12 divisions where each division has two hours.

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