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15 Inspiring Design Quotes

By colors, Design, Food for thought

Stuck in a design rut? Here are “three handfuls” of inspiring wisdom from some of the world’s greatest thinkers, innovators and designers.

The infographic includes quotations from Von R. Glitschka, David Ogilvy, Marissa Mayer, Oliver Reichenstein, Paul Rand, Milton Glaser, Albert Einstein, Alex King, Frank Lloyd Wright, Andy Warhol, Tanner Christensen,  Joe Sparano, Douglas Adams and Ellen Lupton.

My favorite quote gives more credit to the common folks like you and I. “A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.” – Douglas Adams

15 Inspiring Design Quotes
Infographic of 15 Inspiring Design Quotes by Glow New Media



By colors, Design, English Word, Language-Learning, Layout, Typography-Font

impetus  \M-puh-tus\  verb

:         a: a driving force : impulse

b: incentive, stimulus

c: stimulation or encouragement resulting in increased activity

: the property possessed by a moving body in virtue of its mass and its motion — used of bodies moving suddenly or violently to indicate the origin and intensity of the motion
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