備 [备] bèi
: to prepare; get ready
: to provide or equip
Kun Reading
備え | そなえ sonae
: preparation; provision; guarding
備える | そなえる sonaeru
ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to furnish; to provide for; to equip; to install
: to have ready; to prepare for
: to possess; to have; to be endowed with; to be armed with
備わる | そなわる sonawaru
godan verb with ru ending | intransitive verb
: to be furnished with; to be endowed with: to be among; to be one of; to be possessed of
備に | つぶさに tsubusani
: in detail; with great care; completely; again and again
On Reading
ビ bi
預 [预] yù
: to prepare
: to advance; in advance; beforehand
Kun Reading
預け | あずけ azuke
: custody; keeping
預り | あずかり azukari
: under custody; under supervision
: undecided match; draw; tie
預かる | あずかる azukaru
godan verb with ru ending | transitive verb
: to look after; to take care of; to keep; to hold on to; to keep in custody
: to take charge of; to be entrusted with; to receive on deposit
: to reserve (judgment); to leave undecided
預ける | あずける azukeru
ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to give into custody; to leave (a child) in the care of; to entrust; to deposit
: to lean on; to put one’s weight on
On Reading
ヨ yo