由 yóu
: to follow
: from
: it is for…to
: reason; cause; because of; due to
: to
: to leave it (to somebody)
: by (introduces passive verb)
Kun Reading
由 | よし yoshi
: reason; significance; cause
由る OR 因る | よる yoru
godan verb with ru ending | intransitive verb
: (Usually written using kana alone) to be due to; to be caused by
: to depend on; to turn on
: to be based on; to come from
On Reading
ユ yu、 ユウ yuu、 ユイ yui
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渡 dù
: to cross; to pass through
: to ferry
Kun Reading
渡し | わたし watashi
: ferry (crossing); ferry(boat)
: (Suffix) delivery
渡す | わたす watasu
godan verb with su ending | transitive verb
: to ferry across (a river, etc.); to carry across; to traverse
: to lay across; to build across
: to hand over; to hand in; to pass; to give; to transfer
渡り | わたり watari
: ferry
渡る | わたる wataru
godan verb with ru ending | intransitive verb
: to cross over; to go across
: to extend; to cover; to range; to span
On Reading
ト to
度 dù
measure word
: to pass
: to spend (time)
: measure; limit; extent
: degree of intensity
: degree (angles, temperature etc)
: kilowatt-hour
: measure word for events and occurrences
度 duó
: to estimate
Kun Reading
度 | たび tabi
noun | noun suffix | counter
: time (three times, each time, etc.); times
On Reading
度 | ど do
noun | noun suffix
: degree (angle, temperature, scale, etc.)
: (Counter) counter for occurrences and times
: strength (of alcohol)