輾 [辗] zhǎn
: roll over on side; turn half over
none applicable
軋る | きしる kishiru
godan verb with ru ending
: to creak; to squeak
巡る OR 回る OR 廻る | めぐる meguru
godan verb with ru ending | intransitive verb
: to go around
: to return
: to surround
: to concern (usu. of disputes)
テン ten、 ネン nen
展 zhǎn
: to spread out; to unfold; to open up; to extend
: to exhibit
: to put into effect
: to postpone; to prolong
: exhibition
展べる | のべる noberu
ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to lay out (a futon); to make (bed); to spread out; to stretch; to widen
展 | てん ten
: exhibition; exhibit
命 mìng
noun | verb
: life; fate
: order or command
: to assign a name, title etc
Kun Reading
命 | いのち inochi
: life; life force
: lifetime; lifespan
: most important thing; foundation; core
: (Archaism) paired tattoos of the “life” kanji on the upper arms of a man and woman (indicating unwavering love)
: (Archaism) fate; destiny; karma
命 | みこと mikoto
: (after the name of a god or a noble) Lord; Highness
: (Archaism) (Derogatory) you
On Reading
命 | めい mei
: command; decree
: life
: destiny
ミョウ myou
令 lìng
adjective | verb
: to order; to command
: an order; warrant; writ
: to cause; to make something happen
: virtuous; honorific title
: season
: government position (old)
令 líng
令 lǐng
: measure word for a ream of paper
Kun Reading
令む | しむ shimu
godan verb with mu ending
: to make happen (old causative verbal ending)
令する | れいする reisuru
suru verb – special class | transitive verb
: to command; to order
言付け | いいつけ iitsuke
: order; command
: directions; instructions
On Reading
令 | れい rei
noun | noun suffix
: command; order; dictation
令 | りょう ryou
: administrative and civil code