豬 [猪] zhū
: hog; pig; swine
豚 tún
: suckling pigKun Reading
猪 | い i
noun: hog (esp. a wild boar, but also including the domesticated pig)
猪 | いのしし inoshishi
: wild boar豚 (tún) | ぶた buta
noun: pig
: pork
: fatso; fatty (Derogatory)
On Reading
猪 | チョ cho
豚 | トン ton
豬[猪]肉 zhu1rou4: pork
[豚肉 | ぶたにく buta niku: pork]
豬[猪] 倌 zhu1guan1: swineherd
豬場[猪场] zhu1chang3: piggery
[養豚場 | ようとんじょう youtonjou: pig farm; hog farm; piggery]
豬[猪]年 zhu1nian2: Year of the Boar (e.g. 2007)
[亥年 | いどし idoshi: year of the boar]
豬扒 zhu1pa2 (or 豬排 zhu1 pai2): pork ribs, pork chops
[排骨 | パイクー paige: Chinese-style spare ribs (esp. pork, also beef and lamb), breaded and fried]
亥豬[猪] hai4zhu1: Year 12, year of the Boar (e.g. 2007)
仔豬[猪] z13zhu1: piglet
[子豚 OR 仔豚 | こぶた kobuta: piglet]
公豬[猪] gong1zhu1: boar
土豬[猪] tu3zhu1 OR 土豚 tu3 tun2: aardvark
[土豚 | つちぶた tsuchibuta: aardvark]
豬頭 [猪头] zhu1 tou2: pig head; (coll.) fool; jerk
己亥 ji3hai4: thirty sixth year F12 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1959 or 2019
[己亥 | つちのとい ichinotoi]
松露豬 [松露猪] song1 lu4 zhu1: truffle hog
荷蘭豬 [荷兰猪] he2 lan2 zhu1 OR 豚鼠 tun2 shu3: guinea pig
[天竺鼠 | てんじくねずみ tenjikunezumi: guinea pig (any of five guinea pig species, esp. Cavia porcellus)]
鹹豬手 [咸猪手] xian2 zhu1 shou3: pervert (esp. one who gropes women in public)
浸豬籠 [浸猪笼] jin4 zhu1 long2: to drown sb in a wicker basket
河豚 he2 tun2 [ふぐ fugu: puffer fish; blow fish; fugu; globefish; swellfish]
海豚 hai3 tun2: Dolphin
[海豚 | いるか iruka: dolphin (or other small toothed whales, such as porpoises, belugas, etc.)]
2019 Year of the Earth Pig
Chinese New Year 2019, which lands on Tuesday, February 5th, is the Year of the Yin Earth Pig 己亥.
Pigs are diligent, compassionate, and generous. Though Pigs rarely seek help from others, they will not refuse to give others a hand. Pigs never suspect trickery, so they are easily fooled. They are energetic and are always enthusiastic.
Japanese expression | proverb | yojijukugo 四字熟語
豚箱 OR ブタ箱 | ぶたばこ butabako (豚箱)
: (colloquialism) police cell; lockup
猪口才 | ちょこざい chokozai
: impertinent; impudent; saucy; cheeky
猪勇 | ちょゆう choyuu
: reckless courage; foolhardiness; temerity
猪武者 | いのししむしゃ inoshishi musha
: daredevil; foolhardy warrior
猪豚 | いのぶた inobuta
: wild boar and domestic pig hybrid
猪鍋 | ししなべ shishi nabe
: boar meat hot pot; boar stew
豚骨ラーメン | とんこつラーメン tonkotsu raamen
: tonkotsu ramen; pork bone broth ramen
へな猪口 | へなちょこ henachoko
: (derogatory term) novice; greenhorn
猪突猛進 | ちょとつもうしん chouto tsumoushin
: headlong rush; rushing recklessly
豚に真珠 | ぶたにしんじゅ buta ni shinju
: (cast) pearls before swine
豚を盗んで骨を施す | ぶたをぬすんでほねをほどこす buta o nusun de hone o hodokosu
: (proverb) you cannot excuse a bad deed with a petty act of benevolence; steal a pig and give the feet for alms
豚も煽てりゃ木に登る | ぶたもおだてりゃきにのぼる buta mo odaterya ki ni noboru
: (idiom) even those of low ability can outdo themselves when flattered
河豚は食いたし命は惜しし | ふぐはくいたしいのちはおしし fugu wa kuitashi inochi wa oshishi
: (proverb) honey is sweet, but the bee stings; I would like to taste fugu, but I value my life; hesitating from doing something because of fear of consequences
Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
殺豬宰羊 [杀猪宰羊] sha1 zhu1 zai3 yang2
: to kill the pigs and slaughter the sheep
豬狗不如 [猪狗不如] zhu1 gou3 bu4 ru2
: worse than a dog or pig; lower than low
人怕出名豬怕壯 [人怕出名猪怕壮]ren2 pa4 chu1 ming2 zhu1 pa4 zhuang4
: lit. people fear getting famous like pigs fear fattening up (for the slaughter); fig. fame has its price
時間是把殺豬刀 [时间是把杀猪刀] shi2 jian1 shi4 ba3 sha1 zhu1 dao1
: lit. time is a butcher’s knife; fig. time marches on, relentless and unforgiving; nothing gold can stay
死豬不怕開水燙 [死猪不怕开水烫] si3 zhu1 bu4 pa4 kai1 shui3 tang4
: lit. a dead pig doesn’t fear scalding water (idiom); fig. to be unaffected (by something); undaunted
不怕神一樣的對手,就怕豬一樣的隊友 [不怕神一样的对手,就怕猪一样的队友] bu4 pa4 shen2 yi1 yang4 de5 dui4 shou3 , jiu4 pa4 zhu1 yi1 yang4 de5 dui4 you3
: a boneheaded teammate can do you more harm than the most formidable opponent
形声 Pictophonetic.
豕 (shi3: pig, boar radical 152) suggests the meaning while
者 (zhe3: (after a verb or adjective) one who (is)…) provides the sound.
簡體 Simplified.
Simplified form is 猪
zhu4 nin2 zhu1 nian2 da4 ji2 da4 li4
Wishing your boar year plump with luck and fortune.