狗 gǒu
: dog, canis familiaris
Kun Reading
狗 OR 犬 | いぬ inu
: dog (Canis (lupus) familiaris)
: snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.)
: counterfeit; inferior; useless; wasteful
On Reading
ク ku、 コウ kou
狗刨 gou3pao2: dog paddle (swimming style)
[犬掻き | いぬかき inukaki: dog paddle (swimming style)]狗吠 gou3fei4: bark; to bark
狗屁 gou3pi4: bullshit; nonsense
狗屋 gou3wu1: kennel
狗屎 gou3shi3: canine excrement; dog poo; bullshit
[熱]热狗 re4gou3: hot dog (loanword)
走狗 zou3gou3: hunting dog; hound; (fig.) running dog; lackey
周狗 zhou1gou3: obedient dog; lackey
唐狗 tang2gou3: mongrel
[唐犬 | からいぬ karainu: foreign dog (esp. of Chinese origin)]土狗 tu3gou3: native dog; mole cricket (colloquial word for agricultural pest Gryllotalpa 蝼蛄)
狗尾草 | えのころぐさ enokorogusa: green foxtail (species of annual grass, Setaria viridis)
2018 Year of the Earth Dog
Chinese New Year 2018, which lands on Friday, February 16th, is the Year of the Brown Earth Dog. The Dog, is a symbol of intelligence, loyalty and protection. The Dog has a binary approach to life: if you benefit from his friendship or his love, a Dog will never disappoint you. The Dog, above all else, prefers to care for its home. The Dog is honest, faithful but jealous and does not love solitude, seeking safety above all. It is the most conservative and traditionalist of all the signs of the Chinese zodiac.
In all respects, the year will be a good, but exhausting year. You will be happy yet frustrated, rested yet tired, cheerful yet dull! It is a year to pay careful attention to one’s health, but a good year financially. 2018 is a good year for lifestyle changes and to begin new business ventures. Dog Years are not conducive to waste and unnecessary expenses. Success in everything depends on selflessness and generosity; the cosmic karma. This is the year of empathy and social justice.
Japanese expression | buddhism term
狗子仏性 | くしぶっしょう kushi busshou:
“Does a dog have Buddha nature?” (classic Zen koan)
形声 Pictophonetic.
犭 (quan3: dog radical 94) suggests the meaning while
句 (ju4: sentence) provides the sound.
wo3you yi1zhi1 xiao1gou3. ta1 hen3 wan2pi2.
I have a little dog. He’s very mischievous.
photo credit of dog: jLim