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甲: first heavenly stems; armor


甲 jiā

: first of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干; (used for an unspecified person or thing)
: first (in a list, as a party to a contract etc)
: letter “A” or roman “I” in list “A, B, C”, or “I, II, III”, etc
: armor plating; shell or carapace; (of the fingers or toes) nail; bladed leather or metal armor (old)
: ranking system used in the Imperial examinations (old)
: civil administration unit (old)
: ancient Chinese compass point: 75°

Kun Reading

甲 OR 兜 | かぶと kabuto

: helmet (of armor); headpiece

甲 | きのえ kinoe

: first sign of the Chinese calendar

甲 OR 鎧 | よろい yoroi

: armor

On Reading

甲 | こう kou

: carapace; shell
: 1st in rank; grade A
: instep; back of hand
: the A party (e.g. in a contract); the first party

甲 | かん kan

: treble range (in Japanese music); high note


甲板 jia3ban3: deck (of a boat etc)
[かんぱん kanpan: deck (of a ship)]
甲乙 jia3yi3: first two of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干 [こうおつ kouotsu: A and B; excellent and good; similarity
: discrimination; discernment; distinction
: first and second parties (in legal contexts)]
裝[装]甲 zhuang1jia3: vehicle armor
[装甲 | そうこう soukou: armored]
[装甲車 | そうこうしゃ soukousha: armored vehicle]
一甲 yi1jia3: first rank or top three candidates who passed the imperial examination (i.e. 状元, 榜眼, and 探花, respectively)
穿山甲 chuan1 shan1 jia3: pangolin (Manis pentadactylata); scaly ant-eater
[せんざんこう senzankou: pangolin; scaly anteater; trenggiling]

Japanese common word | expression | idiom
甲乙付けがたい | こうおつつけがたい kouotsu tsuke ga tai
: it is difficult to say which of the two is better

甲の薬は乙の毒 | こうのくすりはおつのどく kou no kusuri wa otsu no doku
: one man’s meat is another man’s poison; one man’s medicine is another man’s poison

甲斐性無し | かいしょうなし kaishou nashi
: being good-for-nothing; useless person

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
解甲歸田 jie3 jia3 gui1 tian2
: to remove armor and return to the farm; to return to civilian life

身懷六甲 shen1 huai2 liu4 jia3
: to be pregnant

象形 Pictographic.
Picture of an chest armor, such as those worn by the Xian terracotta soldiers.

shen1: to extend; to explain; 9th earthly branch: 3-5 p.m., 7th solar month (7th August-7th September), year of the Monkey
[さる saru, もうす mousu. on: シン shin]


もうしわけないけどながいできないんですよ。 moushi wake nai kedo nagai dekinain desuyo
I’m sorry, I can’t stay long.


黃金甲 – Jay Chou 周杰伦


旌旗如虹 山堆疊如峰
這軍隊蜿蜒如龍 殺氣如風 血色如酒紅
將軍我傲氣如衝 神色悍如凶
黃金甲如忠 鐵騎剽悍我行如轟

景色如冬 蕭瑟如風 攻勢如弓 魂斷猶如夢中
一靜一動 如松 千年不變 如空 如空 如空

血染盔甲 我揮淚殺 滿城菊花 誰的天下
宮廷之上 狼煙風沙 生死不過 一刀的疤

仇恨綿延如火 愁入眉頭如鎖
情感漂泊漂泊 漂泊一世如我
今生繁華如昨 兵戎相見如破
千軍萬馬萬馬 萬馬奔騰那骨肉相殘如錯
陳年戰事如酒 成敗轉眼如秋
遍地烽火烽火 烽火回憶如鏽

那烽火回憶如鏽 吼吼吼吼 那殺戮過重如否 吼吼吼吼
那烽火回憶如鏽 吼吼吼吼(那烽火回憶如鏽)皇室血脈如斷流

血染盔甲 我揮淚殺 滿城菊花 誰的天下
宮廷之上 狼煙風沙 生死不過 一刀的疤

盔甲 我揮淚殺 橫刀立馬 看誰倒下
愛恨對話 歷史留下 誰在亂箭 之中瀟灑

credit: Jay Chou 周杰伦

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary