昂 áng
: to lift; to raise
: to raise one’s head; proud, bold
: high; high spirits; soaring
: expensive
Kun Reading
昂り OR 高ぶり | たかぶり takaburi
: excitement; stimulation; agitation; arousal
: pride; haughtiness; arrogance
昂る OR 高ぶる | たかぶる takaburu
godan verb with ru ending | intransitive verb
: to be highly strung; to be proud; to be haughty
: to get excited; to get worked up
昂じる OR 高じる OR 昂ずる OR 高ずる | こうじる koujiru OR こうずる kouzuru
ichidan verb | intransitive verb | zuru verb
: to grow in intensity; to be aggravated; to get worse; to develop
高い | たかい takai
: high; tall
: expensive
On Reading
コウ kou、 ゴウ gou
昂貴[贵] ang2gui4: expensive; costly
昂揚[扬] ang2yang2: elated; high-spirited; uplifting (music)
[昂揚 | こうよう kouyou: enhancement; exaltation; promotion; uplift]
昂奮[奋] ang2fen4: buoyant; high-spirited; vigorous
[昂奮 | こうふん koufun: excitement; stimulation; agitation; arousal]
昂然 ang2ran2: upright and unafraid
[こうぜん kouzen: elated; triumphant; proud]
低昂 di1ang2: ups and down; rise and fall
昂昂 ang2ang2: high-spirited; brave-looking
昂坪360 ang2ping2: Ngong Ping 360

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語
意気軒昂 OR 意気軒高 | いきけんこう iki kenkou
: (yoji) in high spirits; elated
心悸亢進 OR 心悸昂進 | しんきこうしん shinki koushin
: (yoji) palpitations (of the heart)
Chinese expression | chengyu 成語
氣宇軒昂 qi4 yu3 xuan1 ang2
: to have an imposing or impressive appearance; impressive appearance; straight and impressive looking
鬥志昂揚 dou4 zhi4 ang2 yang2
: having high fighting spirit
形声 Pictophonetic.
日 (ri4: sun radical 72) suggests the meaning while
卬 (ang2: lofty; high) provides the sound.
昻 ang2
卬 ang2: lofty; high; I (regional colloquial); me; variant of 昂
none applicable