棕 zōng
: hemp palm
: palm fiber; coir (coconut fiber)
: brown
Kun Reading
none applicable
On Reading
シュ shu、 ソウ sou
棕櫚[榈] zong1lü2: palm tree; Palmetto (name)
棕色 zong1se4: brown
[褐色 | かっしょく kasshoku: brown]棕墊[垫] zong1dian4: palm fiber mat
棕樹[树] zong1shu4: palm tree
棕櫚[榈] zong1lü2: palm tree; Palmetto (name)
[棕櫚 | すろ suro OR しゅろ shuro: Chinese windmill palm (Trachycarpus fortunei); Chusan palm; hemp palm]
棕枝主日 zong1 zhi1 zhu3 ri4: Palm Sunday (Sunday before Easter)
[棕櫚の主日 | しゅろのしゅじつ shuro no shujitsu: Palm Sunday]
棕毛 zong1mao2: palm fiber; coir
油棕 you2zong1: oil palm
深棕 shen1zong1: brown (color)
貝葉棕 [贝叶棕] bei4ye4 zong1: pattra palm tree (Corypha umbraculifera), whose leaves were used as paper substitute for Buddhist sutras
形声 Pictophonetic.
木 (mu4: tree radical 75) suggests the meaning while
宗 (zong1: ancestor; lineage) provides the sound.
形声 Pictophonetic.
木 (mu4: tree radical 75) suggests the meaning while
宗 (zong1: ancestor; lineage) provides the sound.
none applicable
Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary
image credit: Agric Products