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借: lend; borrow

By April 17, 2017April 25th, 2017Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Music


借 jiè

: to lend; to borrow
: by means of
: to take (an opportunity)

藉 [借] jiè

verb | noun
: sleeping mat
: to placate
: variant of 借

藉 jí

: to insult; to walk all over (somebody)

Kun Reading

借り | かり kari

: borrowing; debt; loan

借る | かる karu

godan verb with ru ending | transitive verb
: (Kansai dialect) to borrow; to have a loan
: to rent; to hire

借りる | かりる kariru

ichidan verb | transitive verb
: to borrow; to have a loan
: to rent; to hire

藉す OR 貸す | かす kasu

godan verb with su ending | transitive verb
: to lend; to loan
: to rent out; to hire out

On Reading

借 | シャク shaku

藉 | セキ seki、 ジャク jaku


借鑒[鉴] jie4jian4: to use other people’s experience; to borrow from a source; to use as reference
借助 jie4zhu4: to draw support from; with the help of
借貸[贷] jie4dai4: to borrow or lend money; debit and credit items on a balance sheet
[借貸 | しゃくたい shakutai: loan; lending and borrowing]
借款 jie4kuan3: to lend money; to borrow money; loan
[借款 | しゃっかん shakkan: (international) loan]
借用 jie4yong4: to borrow something for another use; to borrow an idea for one’s own use
[借用 | しゃくよう shakuyou: borrowing; loan]
憑[凭]借 píng2jie4: to rely on; to depend on; by means of; thanks to; something that one relies on
假借 jia3jie4: to make use of; to use something as pretext; under false pretenses; under the guise of; masquerading as; lenient; tolerant; loan character (one of the Six Methods 六书 of forming Chinese characters); character acquiring meanings by phonetic association; also called phonetic loan
出借 chu1jie4: to lend; to put out a loan
拆借 chai1jie4: short-term loan
挪借 nuo2jie4: to borrow money for a short time

藉 [借] jie4: sleeping mat; to placate

藉口 jie4kou3: to use as an excuse; on the pretext; excuse; pretext; also written 借口
[藉口 | しゃこう shakou: pretense]
藉[借]此 jie4ci3: using this as a pretext; thereby
藉由 jie4you2: by means of; through; by
藉著[着] jie4zhe: by means of; through
慰藉 wei4jie4: to console; to comfort; consolation
[慰藉 | いしゃ isha: consolation]
憑[凭]藉 ping2jie4: to rely on; to depend on; by means of; thanks to; something that one relies on; also written 凭借
枕藉 zhen3jie4: to lie in total disorder; lying fallen over one another
[枕藉 | ちんしゃ sansha OR ちんせき sanseki: (Archaism) bedding;bed; to sleep together in the same bed
: (Archaism) to sleep together using each other’s bodies as pillow
: (Archaism) to sleep together using books as a pillow]
落藉 luo4jie4: to stay; to reside (old)
藴[蕴]藉 yun4jie4: temperate and refined; implicit; restrained

藉 ji2: to insult; to walk all over (somebody)

狼藉 lang2ji2: in a mess; scattered about; in complete disorder
[狼藉 | ろうぜき rouzeki: violence; outrage; riot; confusion; disorder]
一片狼借 yi1pian4 lang2ji2: a big mess

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom
借金 | しゃっきん shakkin: debt; loan; liabilities

寸借詐欺 | すんしゃくさぎ sunsha kusagi
: (yoji) petty swindling; petty swindler

蛙の目借時 | かわずのめかりどき kawazu no me kari doki OR
かえるのめかるどき kaeru no me karu doki OR かえるのめかりどき kaeru no me kari doki
: springtime mating of frogs (haiku term)

借りてきた猫 | かりてきたねこ kari tekita neko
: being quiet and meek (in contrast to normal behavior); being as meek as a lamb; a borrowed cat

借りが出来た | かりができた kari ga dekita
: I owe you; I owe you one; I owe you a favor

この場を借りて | このばをかりて kono ba o karite
: take this opportunity (to apologize, thank, explain, etc.)

借金で首が回らない | しゃっきんでくびがまわらない shakkin de kubi ga mawaranai
: deep in debt

猫の手も借りたい | ねこのてもかりたい neko no te mo karitai
: extremely busy; so busy one would even welcome the help of a cat

虎の威を借る狐 | とらのいをかるきつね tora no i o karu kitsune
: person who swaggers about under borrowed authority; small man acting arrogantly through borrowed authority; a fox that borrows the authority of a tiger

Chinese common word | chengyu 成語 | expression | idiom
借古諷今 [借古讽今] jie4 gu3 feng3 jin1
: to use the past to disparage the present

借屍還魂 [借尸还魂] jie4 shi1 huan2 hun2
: lit. reincarnated in sb else’s body; fig. a discarded or discredited idea returns in another guise

借刀殺人 [借刀杀人] jie4 dao1 sha1 ren2
: to lend sb a knife to kill sb; to get sb else to do one’s dirty work; to attack using the strength of another

借手除敵 [借手除敌] jie4 shou3 chu2 di2
: to use a proxy to eliminate a rival

借資挹注 [借资挹注] jie4 zi1 yi4 zhu4
: to make use of something in order to make good the deficits in something else

借花獻佛 [借花献佛] jie4 hua1 xian4 fu2
: lit. presenting the Buddha with borrowed flowers; fig. to win favor or influence using sb else’s property; plagiarism

草船借箭 cao3 chuan2 jie4 jian4
: lit. using straw boats to borrow arrows (from 三國演義|三国演义 San1 guo2 Yan3 yi4; Romance of the Three Kingdoms); fig. to use others’ manpower and resources for one’s own ends

背城借一 bei4 cheng2 jie4 yi1
: to make a last-ditch stand before the city wall; to fight to the last ditch; to put up a desperate struggle

以免藉口 [以免借口] yi3 mian3 jie4 kou3
: to remove something that could be used as a pretext

杯盘狼藉 bei1 pan2 lang2ji2
: cups and dishes in complete disorder; after a riotous drinking party

声名狼藉 sheng1ming2 lang2ji2
: to have a bad reputation

藉詞推搪 [借词推搪] jie4 ci2 tui1 tang2
: to make a lot of excuses

有借有還,再借不難 [有借有还,再借不难] you3 jie4 you3 huan2 , zai4 jie4 bu4 nan2
: return what you borrowed on time, you may borrow again next time

形声 Pictophonetic.
亻 (ren2: person radical 9) suggests the meaning while
昔 (xi1: formerly; ancient) provides the sound.

簡體 Simplified.
借, 藉. Created as unique simplification #127 (藉 » 借).

Historical Variant:
藉 jie4 | ji2: mat; to placate | to insult

形声 Pictophonetic.
艹 (cao3: grass radical 140) suggests the meaning while
耤 (ji1: plough) provides the sound.

you3 jie4 you3 huan2
You should return what you borrow.

借口 – Jay Chou 周杰伦


翻着我们的照片 想念若隐若现 去年的冬天 我们笑得很甜
看着妳哭泣的脸 对着我说再见 来不及听见 妳已走得很远

也许妳已经放弃我 也许已经很难回头
我知道是自己错过 请再给我一个理由说妳不爱我

就算是我不懂 能不能原谅我 请不要把分手 当作妳的请求
我知道坚持要走 是妳受伤的借口 请妳回头 我会陪妳 一直走到最后

就算没有结果 我也能够承受 我知道妳的痛 是我给的承诺
妳说给过我纵容 沉默是因为包容 如果要走 请妳记得我

Repeat all once

如果难过 请妳忘了我

credit: Jay Chou 周杰伦

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary