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同: same; together

By February 3, 2017March 7th, 2017Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning, Music


同 tóng

adjective | preposition | adverb
: like; same; similar; alike
: together; with

Kun Reading

同じ | おなじ onaji

noun or verb acting prenominally | noun
: same; identical; equal; uniform; equivalent; similar; common (origin); changeless; alike
: (Adverb) (usu. part of a ‘nara’ conditional) anyway; anyhow; in either case

On Reading

同 | どう dou

: the same; the said; ibid


同時[时] tong2shi2: at the same time; simultaneously
[同時 | どうじ douji: simultaneous(ly); concurrent; same time; synchronous; together]
同志 tong2zhi4: comrade; (slang) homosexual
[同志 | どうし doushi: same mind; comrade; kindred soul]
同意 tong2yi4: to agree; to consent; to approve
[どうい doui: agreement; consent; same opinion; approval
: same meaning]
同學[学] tong2xue2: to study at the same school; fellow student; classmate
[同学 | どうがく dougaku: the same school]
同樣[样] tong2yang4: same; equal; equivalent
不同 bu4tong2: different; distinct; not the same; not alike
[ふどう fudou: difference; diversity; irregularity; disorder]
共同 gong4tong2: common; joint; jointly; together; collaborative
[きょうどう kyoudou: doing together (as equals); sharing; common (land, etc.); joint (statement, etc.); cooperation; co-operation; collaboration; association]
一同 yi1tong2: along; together
[いちどう ichidou: all present; all concerned; all of us]
相同 xiang1tong2: identical; same
[そうどう soudou: homology]
陪同 pei2tong2: to accompany

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom | proverb
*同床異夢 | どうしょういむ doushou imu
: (yoji) cohabiting but living in different worlds

一心同体 | いっしんどうたい isshin doutai
: (yoji) being one in body and soul; of one flesh; two hearts beating as one

一味同心 | いちみどうしん ichimi doushin
: (yoji) (people) working together with one mind

一視同人 | いっしどうじん isshi doujin
**一視同仁 | いっしどうじん isshi doujin
: (yoji) loving every human being with impartiality; universal brotherhood; universal benevolence

仲間同士 | なかまどうし nakama doushi
: (yoji) peers; friends; fellow workers; comrades

付和雷同 | ふわらいどう fuwa raidou
: (yoji) following blindly; following suit without reflection

右に同じ | みぎにおなじ migi ni onaji
: like he said; same for me; ditto

呉越同舟 | ごえつどうしゅう goetsu doushuu
: (yoji) bitter enemies (placed by fate) in the same boat

***和光同塵 | わこうどうじん wakou doujin
: (yoji) mingling with the world by hiding one’s true talent or knowledge; living a quiet life by effacing oneself

共同戦線 | きょうどうせんせん kyoudou sensen
: (yoji) common front; united front

共同謀議 | きょうどうぼうぎ kyoudou bougi
: (yoji) conspiracy

四海同胞 | しかいどうほう shikai douhou
: (yoji) universal brotherhood

有志一同 | ゆうしいちどう yuushi ichidou
: (yoji) all those interested (in the matter); all those willing; (from) all of us; (from) everyone concerned

****異体同心 | いたいどうしん itai doushin
: (yoji) being of one mind; acting in one accord; behaving in perfect harmony

*****異口同音 [异口同音] yi4 kou3 tong2 yin1
: (to speak) with one voice

******異曲同工 [异曲同工] yi4 qu3 tong2 gong1
: different tunes played with equal skill; different methods leading to the same result; different approach but equally satisfactory outcome

附和雷同 | ふわらいどう fuwa raidou
: (yoji) following blindly; following suit without reflection

*******薬食同源 | やくしょくどうげん yakushoku dougen
: (yoji) proper diet and Chinese herbal medicine share the same principles

同じくらい | おなじくらい onajikurai
: approximately the same

同じ穴の狢 | おなじあなのむじな onaji ana no mujina
: (villains) of the same stripe; birds of a feather; badgers of the same hole
同じ穴のムジナ | おなじあなのムジナ onaji ana no mujina

同じ釜の飯を食う | おなじかまのめしをくう onaji kama no meshi o kuu
: to have lived together; to be close friends; to eat out of the same pot

同日の論ではない | どうじつのろんではない doujitsu no ron de wa nai
: (proverb) there is no comparison between the two; it’s not a same-day discussion

死んだも同然 | しんだもどうぜん shinda mo douzen
死んだも同然だ | しんだもどうぜんだ shinda mo douzen da
: as good as dead; might as well be dead; more dead than alive

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
*同床異夢 [同床异梦] tong2 chuang2 yi4 meng4
: lit. to share the same bed with different dreams; ostensible partners with different agendas; strange bedfellows; marital dissension

同心協力 [同心协力]/ tong2 xin1 xie2 li4
: to work with a common purpose; to make concerted efforts; to pull together; to work as one

同歸於盡 [同归于尽] tong2 gui1 yu2 jin4
: to die in such a way that sb (or something) else also perishes; to take sb down with oneself; to end in mutual destruction

同病相憐 [同病相怜] tong2 bing4 xiang1 lian2
: fellow sufferers empathize with each other; misery loves company

同甘共苦 tong2 gan1 gong4 ku3
: shared delights and common hardships; to share life’s joys and sorrows; for better or for worse

三馬同槽 [三马同槽] san1 ma3 tong2 cao2
: three horses at the same trough (alluding to Sima Yi 司馬懿|司马懿 Si1 ma3 Yi4 and his two sons); conspirators under the same roof

**一視同仁 [一视同仁] yi1 shi4 tong2 ren2
: to treat everyone equally favorably; not to discriminate between people

志同道合 zhi4 tong2 dao4 he2
: like-minded; fellow enthusiast; kindred spirit

味同嚼蠟 [味同嚼蜡] wei4 tong2 jiao2 la4
: tastes as if one is chewing wax; tasteless; insipid

***和光同塵 [和光同尘] he2 guang1 tong2 jen2
: mingling with the world by hiding one’s true talent or knowledge; living a quiet life by effacing oneself

恩同再造 en1 tong2 zai4 zao4
: your favor amounts to being given a new lease on life

殊途同歸 [殊途同归] shu1 tu2 tong2 gui1
: different routes to the same destination; fig. different means of achieve the same end

有所不同 you3 suo3 bu4 tong2
: to differ to some extent

情同手足 qing2 tong2 shou3 zu2
: as close as one’s hands and feet; loving one another as brothers; deep friendship; closely attached to one another

情同骨肉 qing2 tong2 gu3 rou4
: as close as flesh and bones; deep friendship

戮力同心 lu4 li4 tong2 xin1
: concerted efforts in a common cause; united and working together

感同身受 gan3 tong2 shen1 shou4
: to feel as if it had happened to oneself; to sympathize; (polite expression of gratitude for a favor received by a friend etc) I take it as a personal favor

****異口同聲 [异口同声] yi4 kou3 tong2 sheng1
: different mouths, same voice; to speak in unison

*****異口同音 | いくどうおん iku douon
: (yoji) in concert; with one voice; unanimously
Different or many mouths, but the same response, unanimous; different mouths, same voice

******異曲同工 | いきょくどうこう ikyoku doukou
: (yoji) different in appearance but essentially the same in content; equal in skills or workmanship but different in style or artistic flavor; the same for all practical purposes

牛驥同槽 [牛骥同槽] niu2 ji4 tong2 cao2
牛驥同皂 [牛骥同皂] niu2 ji4 tong2 zao4
: cow and famous steed at the same trough; fig. the common and the great are treated alike

與此同時 [与此同时] yu3 ci3 tong2 shi2
: at the same time; meanwhile

與日同輝 [与日同辉] yu3 ri4 tong2 hui1
: to become more glorious with each passing day

與眾不同 [与众不同] yu3 zhong4 bu4 tong2
: to stand out from the masses

蘭艾同焚 [兰艾同焚] lan2 ai4 tong2 fen2
: lit. to burn both fragrant orchids and stinking weeds; fig. to destroy indiscriminately the noble and common; the rain falls on the just and unjust alike

*******藥食同源 [药食同源] yao4 shi2 tong2 yuan2
: lit. food and medicine come from the same source (they share the same principle); fig. there is no clear-cut distinction between food and medicine

風雨同舟 [风雨同舟] feng1 yu3 tong2 zhou1
: lit. in the same boat under wind and rain; fig. to stick together in hard times

雞同鴨講 [鸡同鸭讲] ji1 tong2 ya1 jiang3
: lit. chicken speaking with duck; fig. talking without communicating; people not understanding each other

薰蕕不同器 [薰莸不同器] xun1 you2 bu4 tong2 qi4
: lit. fragrant herbs and foul herbs do not go into the same vessel; bad people and good people do not mix

不可同日而語 [不可同日而语] bu4 ke3 tong2 ri4 er2 yu3
: lit. mustn’t speak of two things on the same day; not to be mentioned in the same breath; incomparable

一掬同情之淚 [一掬同情之泪] yi1 ju1 tong2 qing2 zhi1 lei4
: to shed tears of sympathy

英雄所見略同 [英雄所见略同] ying1 xiong2 suo3 jian4 lüe4 tong2
: lit. heroes usually agree. Great minds think alike.

有福同享,有禍同當 [有福同享,有祸同当] you3 fu2 tong2 xiang3 , you3 huo4 tong2 dang1
: To enjoy blessings and endure misfortune together; for better or for worse
有福同享,有難同當 [有福同享,有难同当] you3 fu2 tong2 xiang3 , you3 nan4 tong2 dang1
: To enjoy blessings and endure misfortune together; for better or for worse

代不同,風尚不同 [时代不同,风尚不同] shi2 dai4 bu4 tong2 , feng1 shang4 bu4 tong2
: customs change with time; other times, other manners; O Tempora, O Mores!

道不同不相為謀 [道不同不相为谋] dao4 bu4 tong2 bu4 xiang1 wei2 mou2
: lit. persons who walk different paths cannot make plans together; to go separate ways

会意 Associative Compound.
All 凡 (fan2: ordinary) speaking with one voice
口 (kou3: mouth radical 30).

Semantic / Variant / Historical variant:
仝 [同] tong2: used in given names

Traditional script:
衕 [同] tong2: 衚衕|胡同 hu2 tong4: lane; alley

none applicable


沒有什麼不同 – Wanting 曲婉婷

作詞:曲婉婷 (Wanting Qu)
作曲:曲婉婷 (Wanting Qu)

又是你的面孔 帶給我是笑容
又是你的問候 帶給我是感動




又是你的面孔 帶給我是笑容
又是你的問候 帶給我是感動




每一天 每一年 都可以是新的起跑線
也可以是終點 看你怎麼選







credit: Wanting 曲婉婷

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary