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貫: to pass together; string of 1000 cash

By January 13, 2017January 16th, 2017Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning


貫 [贯] guàn

: to pierce through; to pass through; to be stringed together
: string of 1000 cash

Kun Reading

貫 | ぬき nuki

: crosspiece (between pillars, etc.); penetrating tie beam

貫く | つらぬく tsuranuku

godan verb with ku ending | transitive verb
: to go through; to pierce; to penetrate
: to persist; to stick to

On Reading

貫 | かん kan

: kan (obs. unit of weight, approx. 3.75 kg, 8.3 lb)
: kan (obs. unit of currency)
: (Counter) pieces of sushi


貫徹 [贯彻] guan4che4: to implement; to put into practice; to carry out
[貫徹 | かんてつ kantetsu: accomplishment; realization; penetration]
貫[贯]穿 guan4chuan1: to run through; a connecting thread from beginning to end; to link
貫[贯]串 guan4chuan4: to pierce through; to string together
貫時 [贯时] guan4shi2: diachronic (concerned with the way in which something, especially language, has developed and evolved through time)
貫氣 [贯气] guan4qi4: beneficial influence, esp. from one’s ancestral graves 墳山 in fengshui 風水to confer beneficial influence
一貫[贯] yi1guan4: consistent; constant; from start to finish; all along; persistent
[一貫 | いっかん ikkan: consistency; coherence; integration
: one kan (approx. 3.75 kg, 8.3 lb)
: one piece of sushi]
籍貫[贯] ji2guan4: one’s native place; place of ancestry; registered birthplace
條貫 [条贯] tiao2guan4: system; sequence; order; procedures
橫貫[贯] heng2guan4: horizontal traverse; to cut across; to cross transversely
滿貫 [满贯] man3’guan4: to win every trick in a card game; grand slam; fig. total success

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom
貫禄不足 | かんろくぶそく kanroku busoku
: (yoji) lacking enough gravity for (a position, task); being an insignificant figure for (a position)

貫禄十分 | かんろくじゅうぶん kanroku juubun
: (yoji) having great (impressive, commanding) presence; having an air of importance; having enough gravity for (a position)

一貫して | いっかんして ikkanshite
: consistently

首尾一貫 | しゅびいっかん shubi ikkan
: (yoji) consistent; unchanging from beginning to end

首尾貫徹 | しゅびかんてつ shubi kantetsu
: (yoji) (logical) consistency; coherence; unchanging from beginning to end

初志貫徹 | しょしかんてつ shoshi kantetsu
: (yoji) carrying out one’s original intention

突貫作業 | とっかんさぎょう tokkan sagyou
: (yoji) rush work; crash program; working on a crash basis; working at top speed

突貫工事 | とっかんこうじ tokkan kouji
: (yoji) construction at top speed

終始一貫 | しゅうしいっかん shuushi ikkan
: (yoji) consistently; unchangingly; throughout

町を貫く路 | まちをつらぬくみち machi o tsuranuku michi
: road passing through the town

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
如雷貫耳 [如雷贯耳] ru2 lei2 guan4 er3
: lit. like thunder piercing the ear; a well-known reputation

家貲萬貫 [家赀万贯] jia1 zi1 wan4 guan4
: immensely rich
萬貫家財 [万贯家财] wan4 guan4 jia1 cai2
: vast wealth

全神貫注 [全神贯注] quan2 shen2 guan4 zhu4
: to concentrate one’s attention completely; with rapt attention

氣貫長虹 [气贯长虹] qi4 guan4 chang2 hong2
: spirit reaches to the rainbow; full of noble aspiration and daring

惡貫滿盈 [恶贯满盈] e4 guan4 man3 ying2
: lit. strung through and filled with evil; filled with extreme evil; replete with vice; guilty of monstrous crimes

融會貫通 [融会贯通] rong2 hui4 guan4 tong1
: to master the subject via a comprehensive study of surrounding areas

腰纏萬貫 [腰缠万贯] yao1 chan2 wan4 guan4
: lit. ten thousand strings of cash in money belt; carrying lots of money; extremely wealthy; loaded

会意 Associative Compound.
A string 毌 (guan4: old form of 貫)
of money 貝 (bei4: shell radical 154; money).

形声 Pictophonetic.
貝 (bei4: shell radical 154; money) suggests the meaning while
毌 (guan4: old form of 貫) provides the sound.

簡體 Simplified.
贯. Derived from generic character simplification rule #4 (貝 » 贝) via usage of grass script form of character.

ta1 de shi1 zhong1 guan4chuan1 zhe bei1shang1 de qing2diao4
A deep melancholy runs through her poetry.

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary