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岡: ridge; mound

By December 2, 2016January 16th, 2017Chinese Word, Japanese Word, Language-Learning


岡 gāng

: ridge; mound; crest hill

Kun Reading

岡 OR 丘 | おか oka

: hill; height; knoll; rising ground

On Reading

コウ kou


岡[冈]山 gang1shan1: Kangshan town in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣, southwest Taiwan; Okayama prefecture in southwest of Japan’s main island Honshū 本州
[岡山県 | おかやまけん okayamaken: Okayama prefecture (Chuugoku area)]
岡[冈]上肌 gang1 shang4 ji1: supraspinatus muscle
岡[冈]下肌 gang1 xia4 ji1: infraspinatus muscle
山岡[冈] shan1’gang1: mound; small hill [やまおか yamaoka: Yamaoka OR やまもと yamamoto: Yamamoto]
福岡[冈] fu2gang1: Fukuoka, city in Kyushyu, Japan
[福岡 | ふくおか fukuoka: Fukuoka (city)]

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語
岡焼き | おかやき okayaki: jealousy; envy

岡目八目 | おかめはちもく okamu bachimoku
: (yoji) bystander’s vantage point; outsider’s better grasp of the situation;
: (Expression) onlookers see more of the game than the players do; lit: people watching a game of Go see 8 moves further ahead

岡 gang1: ridge or crest of hill =
冂 jiong1: wide radical 13 +
䒑 cao3: (non-classical form of 艸 grass radical 140) grass; straw; herbs; weeds +
山 shan1: mountain, hill, peak

簡體 Simplified.
冈. Created as generic character simplification #34 (岡 » 冈).

gang3: post; position
[おかざき okazaki, おか oka. on: コウ kou]


わたしはしずおかしゅっしんです watashi wa shizuoka shusshin desu
I am from Shizuoka.

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary