倫 [伦] lún
: human relationship
: order; coherence
Kun Reading
none applicable
On Reading
リン rin
倫理 lun2li3: ethics [倫理 | りんり rinri: ethics; morals]
[倫理学 | りんりがく rinrigaku: ethics; moral philosophy]倫敦 lun2dun1: London, capital of United Kingdom
[倫敦 | ロンドン rondon: London]
多倫多 [多伦多] duo1 lun2 duo1: Toronto, capital of Ontario, Canada
倫常 lun2chang2: proper human relationships
庫倫 [库伦] ku4lun2: enclosed pasture (Mongolian loanword); Kulun, the former name for modern Ulan Bator, capital of Mongolia (Mongolian: temple)
不倫 bu4lun2: (of a relationship) improper (adulterous, incestuous, teacher-student etc); unseemly
[不倫 | ふりん furin: adultery; immorality; impropriety]
亂倫 [乱伦] luan4lun2: incest; immorality; depravity; fornication
[乱倫 | らんりん ronrin: immorality]
五倫 wu3lun2: the five Confucian relationships (ruler-subject, father-son, brother-brother, husband-wife, friend-friend)
[五倫 | ごりん gorin: the five Confucian filial-piety relationships]
絕倫 [绝伦] jue2lun2: outstanding; peerless; beyond compare
Chinese Personality

He debuted his acting career in the film Initial D (2005); followed shortly by a role in the Curse Of The Golden Flower (2006). In February 2007, Chou began directing his first film Secret, where the script was written by himself.
photo credit: multistars
Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom
不倫相手 | ふりんあいて furi naite
: (yoji) person with whom one is having an illicit love affair
人倫道徳 | じんりんどうとく jinrin doutoku
: (yoji) ethics and morality
人倫頽廃 | じんりんたいはい jinrin taihai
: (yoji) decline (decay, corruption) of ethical standards
Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom
不倫不類 [不伦不类] bu4 lun2 bu4 lei4
: out of place; inappropriate; incongruous
天倫之樂 [天伦之乐] tian1 lun2 zhi1 le4
: family love and joy; domestic bliss
超群絕倫 [超群绝伦] chao1 qun2 jue2 lun2
: outstanding; incomparable
形声 Pictophonetic.
亻 (ren2: person radical 9) suggests the meaning while
侖 (lun2: logical reasons; to arrange) provides the sound.
Historical Variant:
簡體 Simplified.
伦. Derived from generic character simplification rule #71 (侖 » 仑) via usage of grass script form of character.
2012 nian2 xia4ji4 ao4yun4hui4 zai4 lun2dun1 ju3xing1
The 2012 Summer Olympics was held in London.
倫敦大橋垮下來 – S.H.E.
終於到了你住在的國度 照片中的風景變成實物
昨天我多麼羨慕 今天踏出這一步 感覺竟然像結束
你說的故事都歷歷在目 只有愛情越來越不清楚
以為自己不在乎 看見別人好幸福 愛你愛得太唐突
那體貼 那專注 全都只是為了向我借宿
在異國的天空嚇哭了起來 嚇壞陌生的老外
倫敦大橋垮下來 我也不離開
你的誓言說的太快 像個旅客不斷找路牌
倫敦大橋早看開 陪我在等待
愛情中最大的障礙 不是語言而是愛
你依然擺出該有的風度 暗示這一段美麗的錯誤
一個禮貌的親吻 一個道歉的眼神 都想讓人更舒服
我用力表達我所有想念 你的隨便到了什麼境界
一句堅定的誓言 一句完美的謊言 聽起來沒有差別
那體貼 那專注 全都只是為了向我借宿
在異國的天空嚇哭了起來 嚇壞陌生的老外
你的誓言說的太快 像個旅客不斷找路牌
倫敦大橋早看開 陪我在等待
愛情中最大的障礙 不是語言而是愛
London bridge is falling down falling down falling down
London bridge is falling down falling down falling down
London bridge is falling down falling down falling down
Falling down ~
你的誓言說的太快 像個旅客不斷找路牌
倫敦大橋早看開 陪我在等待
愛情中最大的障礙 不是語言而是愛
credit: S.H.E.